1174.01 Purpose.
1174.02 Definitions.
1174.03 General provisions.
1174.04 Allowable uses.
1174.05 Development standards and development standards text.
1174.06 Preliminary plan submission requirements.
1174.07 Final plan submission requirements.
1174.08 PUD procedures.
1174.09 Guarantee of natural features work.
1174.10 Coordination with other provisions of Part 11, Planning and Zoning Code.
(a) The purpose of Planned Unit Development is to promote variety, flexibility and quality for the development of properties in the City of Worthington. Planned Unit Development allows for more creative planning and design, and enables a greater range of uses than traditional Zoning regulations. Planned Unit Development allows for the design and mix of uses necessary to meet changing economic and demographic demands; permits implementation of development standards, plans, studies, and guidelines adopted by the City Council; and provides the opportunity to retain and enhance the character of the City, and the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants.
(b) Planned Unit Development is a process to create a Planned Use District (PUD) in which development standards and uses are established for a Lot or Lots, and becomes the Zoning for the property. (Ord. 04-2013. Passed 2-19-13.)
(a) Preliminary Plan. The Preliminary Plan shall be submitted to the Municipal Planning Commission to make a recommendation to the City Council, and which, if approved by the City Council, becomes the Zoning for the property and permits preparation of the Final Plan. The Preliminary Plan shall establish uses and development standards for the property as detailed in drawings and Development Standards Text.
(b) Final Plan. The Final Plan shall be submitted to the Municipal Planning Commission to review for conformance to the adopted PUD. The Final Plan may be approved in phases, each of which shall implement the Development Standards and confirm uses for the property as detailed in drawings and Development Standards Text.
(c) Subdivision. Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plats may be reviewed and approved with a Preliminary Plan, and shall be in accordance with Title One of the Planning and Zoning Code except as otherwise addressed pursuant to the PUD application and approval.
(d) Overlay Districts: Any PUD located in an Overlay District or the Architectural Review District as defined in the Codified Ordinances of the City of Worthington shall comply with the development standards of the District, except as otherwise provided expressly varied in the Preliminary Plan.
(e) Ownership. The project area shall be in ownership or control by the applicant or the applicant's designee at the time the application is made for a PUD. Subsequent transfer of property shall not alter the applicability of the PUD application, or approved Preliminary and Final Plans.
(f) Retail. Retail uses in any PUD shall be limited to 20,000 square feet in gross floor area. (Ord. 04-2013. Passed 2-19-13.)