General Provisions
154.001: Title
154.002: Purpose
154.003: Nature And Application
154.004: Definitions
154.014: Districts Established; Zoning Map
154.015: A-1 General Agricultural District
154.016: A-2 Suburban District
154.017: A-3 Residential Estates
154.018: R-1 Single-Family Dwelling District
154.019: R-2 General Residential District
154.020: R-3 General Residential District
154.021: R-4 General Residential District
154.022: C-M Commercial Medical Office District
154.023: C-O Commercial Office District
154.024: C-1 Neighborhood Shopping District
154.025: C-2 General Commercial District
154.026: I-1 Restricted Manufacturing And Warehousing District
154.027: I-2 General Industrial District
154.028: I-3 Industrial District
154.029: PUD Planned Unit Development District
154.030: CH Residential Cluster Housing
General Regulations
154.040: Application Of Regulations To Uses Of More Restricted District
154.041: Open Space
154.042: Height
154.043: Group Housing Projects
154.044: Storage And Parking Of Trailers And Commercial Vehicles
154.045: Architectural Design Of Accessory Buildings And Fences
154.046: Animals
154.047: Storage Of Liquified Petroleum Gases
154.048: Trailer Park Regulations
154.049: Off Street Vehicle Parking And Loading
154.050: Restrictions
154.051: Homegrown Medical Marijuana
154.052: Intermodal Containers
Nonconforming Buildings, Structures And Uses
154.065: Nonconforming Buildings And Structures
154.066: Nonconforming Uses Of Land
Tower Regulations
154.068: Intent And Purpose
154.069: Definitions
154.070: Application Of Regulations
154.071: Permit Required, New Towers And Collocations
154.072: New Tower General Provisions, Tower Modifications
154.073: Collocation Tower Requirements
154.074: Building Permits Required
154.075: Removal Of Towers
154.076: Inspections
154.077: Noninterference
154.078: Hold Harmless Provisions
154.079: Penalties And Enforcement
Board Of Adjustment
154.080: Appointment; Meetings; Rules
154.081: Powers
154.082: Extent Of Relief
154.083: Variances
154.084: Filing Fee
154.085: Reapplication
154.086: Rehearing
154.087: Notice And Hearings; Contents; Minor Variances Or Exceptions
154.088: Procedure For Appeals To Board Of Adjustment
154.089: Appeals From Board Of Adjustment
154.100: Building Permit Or Certificate Of Occupancy Required
154.101: Permit Required For Drilling Oil And Gas Wells
154.102: Amendments
154.103: Classification Of Annexed Areas
154.104: Vacation Of Public Easements
Internal Review Board
154.120: Creation And Membership
154.121: Duties
154.999: Penalty