A regular meeting of the city commission shall be held at seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. at the city hall on the first and third Monday of each month, excepting in the event that the first or third Monday is a national or state holiday, the meeting shall be held on the following Tuesday. (2001 Code § 30.01; amd. 2012 Code)
The city is hereby divided into four (4) wards and the boundaries of said wards are hereby established as follows:
A. Ward I: Beginning at the intersection of Eighth Street and Hanks Trail thence north on Eighth Street to Downs Avenue, thence east on Downs Avenue to First Street, thence north on First Street to Redwood Drive, thence west on Redwood Drive to Spruce Drive, thence north and northeast on Spruce Drive to Third Street, thence north on Third Street to Willow Avenue, thence east on Willow Avenue to First Street, thence north on First Street to Elm Avenue, thence west on Elm Avenue to Eighth Street, thence north on Eighth Street to Oklahoma Avenue and west thereon to 22nd Street, thence south on 22nd Street to Hanks Trail, and east thereon to point of beginning; and all that part of the city south of Hanks Trail between Eighth Street and 22nd Street. (Ord. 1506, 3-1-2010)
B. Ward II: All that part of the city of Woodward situated west of 22nd Street and south of Oklahoma Avenue, and north of Oklahoma Avenue and West of a line beginning at the intersection of 34th Street and Oklahoma Avenue, thence north along 34th Street to Cheyenne Drive and east thereon to Spring Creek, thence north along Spring Creek to the Santa Fe Railroad right of way and west thereon to 34th Street, thence north on 34th Street to the north limit of the city.
C. Ward III: All that part of the city situated north of Oklahoma Avenue and West of Eighth Street and east of a line beginning at the intersection of 34th Street and Oklahoma Avenue, thence north along 34th Street to Cheyenne Drive and east thereon to Spring Creek, thence north along Spring Creek to the Sante Fe Railroad right of way and west thereon to 34th Street, thence north on 34th Street to the north limit of the city. (2001 Code § 30.02)
D. Ward IV: All that part of the City situated east of a line beginning at the intersection of Eighth Street and Hanks Trail, thence north on Eighth Street to Downs Avenue, thence east thereon to First Street and north thereon to Redwood Drive, thence west thereon to Spruce Drive, thence north and northeast thereon to Third Street, thence north on Third Street to Willow Avenue and east thereon to First Street, thence north along First Street to Elm Avenue and west thereon to Eighth Street, thence north along Eighth Street to the city limit, and all the area within the City in Section Eight (8), Township Twenty-Two (22) North, Range Twenty (20), West of the Indian Meridian. (Ord. 1648, 2-6-2017)