A.   Maintenance: All signs shall be maintained in a safe, presentable or structurally sound condition at all times, including replacement of defective parts. All pennants, banners, streamers, spinning or similar moving devices shall be kept in presentable condition at all times. The owner of any property on which a sign is located and those responsible for maintenance of the sign shall be equally responsible for the condition of the sign and for the condition of the area in the immediate vicinity of the sign and shall be required to keep this area clean, sanitary and free from noxious or offensive substances, rubbish and flammable waste materials.
   B.   Removal Of Signs: The building official may order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter. If any sign is installed, erected or constructed in violation of the terms of this subchapter, the building official shall notify, by registered mail or written notice served personally, the owner or lessee thereof to alter such sign so as to comply with this subchapter and to secure the necessary permit thereof, or to remove the sign. If such order is not complied with within ten (10) days, the building official shall remove the sign at expense of the owner or lessee thereof.
   C.   Abandoned Signs: All abandoned signs shall be removed within ninety (90) days from the date of abandonment.
   D.   Damaged Signs: All damaged signs shall be removed within ninety (90) days from the date of such damage, except in times of natural disaster. The building official shall have the authority to grant an extension. (2001 Code § 150.187)