As used in this section:
APPLICANT: A duly authorized officer or person of a business applying for a license or permit as required by this section to conduct a particular business within the city.
BUSINESS: Any activity of auctioneers, contractors, druggists, hawkers, peddlers, bankers, brokers, pawnbrokers, merchants of all kinds, grocers, confectioners, restaurants, butchers, taverns, public boarding houses, billiard tables, bowling alleys, and other amusement devices, drays, hacks, carriages, omnibuses, carts, wagons and other vehicles used in the municipality for pay, hay scales, lumber dealers, furniture dealers, saddle or harness dealers, stationers, jewelers, livery stable keepers, real estate agents, express companies or agencies, telegraph companies or agencies, shows, theatres, all kinds of exhibitions for pay, also photographers, photographers' agents, agents of all kinds and solicitors. The term "business" as used in this section shall be construed to apply to any of the above enumerated trades, professions or occupations as provided for in 11 O.S. § 22-106 or any applicable statute which is amendatory thereof or related thereto.
CITY: The City of Woodward.
CITY CLERK: The City Clerk for the City of Woodward or his or her authorized representative or designee.
DAY: A calendar day unless otherwise noted.
DOING BUSINESS: To engage in any activity in pursuit of profit, gain, livelihood, or any other purpose identified herein.
EMPLOYEE: A person who is hired by another to perform a service especially for wages or salary and is under the control of a respondeat superior.
LICENSE: The written authority granted by the city under this ordinance to operate, engage, conduct or carry on a business or business activity within the city.
LICENSEE: An applicant who has received a license.
NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION: Any business or organization which is exempt from taxation under the United State Internal Revenue Code and produces a determination letter of proof thereof.
OCCUPATION: Business activities as defined herein.
PERSON: An individual, partnership, corporation, limited company, joint venture, cooperative, or any other entity in law or in fact.
POLICE CHIEF: The duly appointed or acting chief of police for the City of Woodward or his or her authorized representative or designee. (Ord. 1747, 4-17-2023)