A.   Flying Height: All aircraft shall fly at least eight hundred feet (800') above the ground while over the airport except during landing and takeoff operations.
   B.   Left Hand Pattern Required: All aircraft shall use a left hand pattern when entering or leaving traffic.
   C.   Takeoffs, Landings: All takeoffs and landings of aircraft shall be on the designated runways only. All takeoffs shall be commenced at the end of the active runway and not at its intersection with a taxi runway.
   D.   Taxi Maneuvers: All taxi maneuvers shall be upon the taxi runways and not on the main runways.
   E.   Downwind, Crosswinds: No aircraft shall take off or land downwind; and the permission of the municipal airport manager shall be necessary before practicing crosswind takeoffs or landings.
   F.   Take Off: All aircraft shall depart from takeoff traffic with a ninety degree (90o) left turn at four hundred feet (400') above the ground after clearing the end of the active runway, thence at a forty five degree (45o) right turn for climb out from the pattern.
   G.   Operation Distance To Open Hangar: No aircraft shall have its engine started or running within seventy five feet (75') of the hangar doors, and no aircraft engine shall be operated in such manner as to propel the wind into an open hangar.
   H.   Practice Areas: No aircraft shall use the area of the municipal airport for a practice area; and the municipal airport manager shall post a map of the designated practice area in the municipal airport office.
   I.   Prohibited Operation: No person shall operate an aircraft at the municipal airport when the operation is prohibited by the rules of the federal aviation administration because of weather visibility. (2001 Code § 93.13)