A business license is not required by any of the following:
   A.   A non-profit corporation, organization, or association which is carried on wholly for the benefit of non-profit purposes and from which profit is not derived, either directly or indirectly by any person, provided such organization or association is registered with the secretary of state for the State of Oklahoma as a charitable organization pursuant to the Charitable Contributions Act of 1955 and/or is determined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to be exempt from federal income taxes as evidenced by an IRS affirmation letter.
   B.   All scientific and literary lecturers and entertainments.
   C.   Concerts and musical or other entertainments given exclusively by the citizens of the city.
   D.   A governmental entity.
   E.   Temporary businesses as defined in Section 111.14 of this Title.
   F.   Any entity, organization, group or individual exempted from obtaining an occupation license pursuant to Sections 111.10 (B) or 111.14 (C) of this Title.
   G.   Any event officially sponsored or hosted by Woodward Main Street, Woodward Chamber of Commerce, or Woodward Industrial Foundation.
   H.   Where such license is prohibited by state law. (Ord. 1747, 4-17-2023)