A.   Requirements Generally: All occupants of resident premises where garbage or trash is produced or accumulated shall provide for use on such premises a sufficient number of containers, as described and authorized in this chapter, to adequately hold the garbage and trash produced or accumulated between the times of garbage and trash collection. Garbage must be stored in garbage cans. Trash may be stored in garbage cans, trash boxes or plastic bags. Boxes and plastic bags must be convenient for carrying and sufficiently sturdy to prevent breaking or tearing when being carried. They may not exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight when filled and will be placed immediately adjacent to garbage cans for pick up. Such garbage cans, trash boxes or plastic bags shall be placed within a rack or other retainer that is sufficient to prevent them from being overturned or dislodged by wind or other natural causes, or by animals. Garbage cans will be returned by collectors to the location where pick up was made.
   B.   Alley And Easement Areas:
      1.   In all areas of the City where there are open unobstructed alleys or easements wide enough and improved enough for collection vehicles to travel with ease, garbage and trash containers will be placed on the alley or easement property line for pick up, except that they may be placed in a platted alley if they do not interfere with traffic through the alley.
      2.   In areas where alleys or easements as described herein do not exist, collection will be made from the street. Containers will be placed on the curb in front of the residence or in a location easily accessible and clearly visible to the collectors (not more than 75 feet from the curb on those days when pick up is scheduled).
   C.   Maintenance Of Containers: It shall be the duty of the owner of garbage cans to keep them clean at any and all times, and to maintain them in a sanitary condition, as well as the grounds around the same. Any container that does not conform to the provisions of this chapter or that may have ragged or sharp edges or any other defect liable to hamper or injure the person collecting the contents thereof, shall be promptly replaced upon notice. The City shall have the authority to refuse collection services for failure to comply with this chapter. (2001 Code § 50.03)
   D.   Time And Rules Of Collection: All garbage and trash collections shall be made by the City at stipulated times as prescribed by the rules of the City Solid Waste Superintendent.
   E.   Additional Arrangements: Additional arrangements may be made by the City Solid Waste Superintendent and resident occupants to facilitate the storage and pick up of garbage and trash within the City.
   F.   Mobile Home Parks And Multi-Family Dwellings: The Solid Waste Superintendent may, in his discretion, determine the number and size of receptacles to be provided at mobile home and trailer parks, and other multi-family dwellings. (2001 Code § 50.03; amd. 2012 Code)