A.   Application of Chapter.
      1.   Generally. Hereinafter, all construction, relocation, enlargement, alteration, and modification of signs within the village shall conform to the requirements of this chapter, all state and Federal regulations concerning signs and advertising, and all applicable building codes. Generally, signs are approved by issuance of a sign permit. However, there are some signs that do not require a permit. These signs are listed in subparagraph 9-11-2 A.3. below.
      2.   Signs requiring a permit. A sign permit shall be required for all permitted signs exceeding six (6) square feet in area, unless otherwise exempted by subparagraph 9-11-2 A.3. below. In addition, a sign permit shall be required at any time the sign area is increased, if the increase is allowable within the zoning district in which the sign is located. The subparagraph shall not be interpreted so as to grant permission for prohibited signs with sign areas less than six (6) square feet.
      3.   Signs that do not require a sign permit. The following signs do not require a sign permit but may require another related permit (if subject to building or electrical codes). The exclusion of a sign permit does not provide any relief or such signs from other sign code requirements, as applicable. Temporary signs that do not require permits shall still comply with the standards of section 9-11-7 , Temporary Signs, and section 9-11-4 , General Design and Maintenance Standards, or the applicable standards of this chapter.
         a.   Official and legal notice. Official signs and legal notice signs that are issued by any court, public body, person, or officer in performance of a public duty, or in giving any legal notice;
         b.   Village signs. Signs that are erected, constructed, placed, maintained, or otherwise posted, owned, or leased by the village.
         c.   Signs with de minimis area. Signs that are affixed to a building or structure (even if wall signs are not permitted in the district or for the use), which do not exceed one (1) square foot in area, provided that only one such sign is present on each elevation that is visible from public rights-of-way or neighboring property; and signs that are less than three-fourths of a square foot in area that are affixed to machines, equipment, fences, gates, walls, gasoline pumps, public telephones, or utility cabinets;
         d.   Flags. Flags that are not larger than thirty (30) square feet in area that are affixed to permanent flagpoles or flagpoles that are mounted to buildings (either temporary or permanent);
         e.   Carried signs. Signs that are being carried by people (however, such signs are not exempt if they are set down or propped on objects);
         f.   Bumper stickers. Bumper stickers on vehicles;
         g.   Interior signs. Signs that are not visible from residential lots, abutting property or public rights-of-way; and
         h.   Traffic control signs. Traffic control signs and other signs related to public safety that the village or another jurisdiction installs or requires a developer to install.
   B.   Exemption for addressing. The Village Board finds that the posting of the addresses of buildings in locations that are visible from the street is necessary for the effective delivery of public safety services. The efficient and timely delivery of emergency services is a compelling government interest. Accordingly, the village requires that street addresses shall be posted as follows:
      1.   Nonresidential districts. In nonresidential districts, street addresses shall be posted at:
         a.   All primary building entrances; and
         b.   On detached signage if the address on the building is not visible from the street.
      2.   Residential districts. In residential districts, street addresses shall be posted:
         a.   On the facade of the building that faces the street from which the address is taken; and
         b.   On the mailbox or mailbox support, if the mailbox is detached from the building.
      3.   Exclusion from sign area calculation. Because address signs are required, numbers and letters used for addressing are not included in the calculation of sign area if they are not more than fourteen inches (14") in height.
   C.   Signs permitted before effective date. If a permit for a sign has been issued in accordance with all village ordinances in effect prior to the effective date of this chapter, and provided that construction is begun within six (6) months of the effective date of this chapter and diligently pursued to completion, said sign may be completed in accordance with the approved plans on the basis of which the permit has been issued, subject thereafter, if applicable, to the provisions of this zoning ordinance regarding nonconforming signs.
   D.   Relationship to other regulations. These regulations recognize other regulations pertaining to signage. Where any provision of this chapter covers the same subject matter as other regulations, the more restrictive regulation shall apply. (Ord. 2024-6, 3-7-2024)