A.   Generally. Manual and electronic message centers may be used in permanent detached signs and marquee signs to a limited degree, pursuant to the applicable standards of this section.
   B.   Electronic message centers. Electronic message centers may be incorporated into signage as follows:
      1.   Location restrictions.
         a.   A single electronic message center may be installed as part of a permitted permanent detached sign or marquee sign on:
            (1)   Properties zoned residential, provided that they serve nonresidential uses and meet the requirements set forth in this chapter.
            (2)   Properties zoned B-1, B-2, or B-3 provided that they are located on a principal or minor arterial roadway as designated by the Comprehensive Plan.
            (3)   Properties zoned M-1 provided that they serve a public service use.
         b.   Electronic message centers must be located a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from residential uses.
      2.   Design requirements.
         a.   Electronic message centers are only permitted on monument signs or marquee signs which enclose the electronic message center component on all sides with a finish of brick, stone, stucco, powder coated (or comparably finished) metal, or the surface of the sign face.
         b.   Electronic message centers shall make up not more than fifty percent (50%) of the sign area of a monument sign or seventy-five percent (75%) of the sign area of a marquee sign. The balance of the sign area shall utilize permanent, dimensional letters or symbols.
         c.   No sign structure that includes a cabinet, box, or manual changeable copy sign may also include an electronic message center. See Figure 9-11-8 B.2., Electronic Message Center Design Requirements.
         d.   All electronic message center display components shall be in full color with a minimum pitch resolution of sixteen millimeter (16 mm) spacing or better (i.e., 10 mm, 12 mm, etc.)
   Figure 9-11-7 B.1 Electronic Message Center Resolution Requirements
      3.   Operational Requirements. Electronic message centers must meet the operational requirements in this subsection. The zoning officer may order the owner to turn off an electronic message center that does not meet these requirements. Electronic message centers:
         a.   Shall contain static messages only;
         b.   Shall be constant in intensity and color;
         c.   Shall not consist of flashing, animated, chasing or scintillating lights;
         d.   Shall display messages for a period not less than ten (10) seconds (multiple electronic message centers, if used on the same sign, shall be synchronized to change messages at the same time);
         e.   Shall not use transitions or frame effects between messages;
         f.   Shall not emit illumination that encroaches onto or create a visual
nuisance on properties used for residential dwellings; and
         g.   Shall conform to the illumination standards as set forth in subparagraph 9-11-7 B.3. below.
   Figure 9-11-7 B.2. Electronic Message Center Design Requirements
      4.   Illumination standards. The illumination standards set forth in this subsection 9-11-7 B.4. shall apply to all electronic message center signs, including multi-tenant electronic message centers.
         a.   Measurement criteria. The illuminance of an electronic message center shall be measured with an illuminance meter set to measure foot-candles accurate to at least two decimals. Illuminance shall be measured with the electric message center off, and again with the electronic message center displaying a white image for a full-color capable electronic message center, or a solid message for a single-color electronic message center. Measurements shall be taken after sunset, as determined by the National Weather Service, with the site fully illuminated by installed site lighting. All measurements shall be taken perpendicular to the face of the electronic message center at the distance determined by the total square footage of the electronic message center as set forth below (sign size determined per Table 9-11-7 C ).
            (1)   Large sign: ninety-eight feet (98').
            (2)   Medium sign: seventy-three feet (73') for symmetrical and asymmetrical sign types; eighty-four feet (84') for horizontal sign type.
            (3)   Small sign: forty-nine feet (49') for symmetrical and asymmetrical sign types; fifty-seven feet (57') for horizontal sign type.
            (4)   Other sign sizes: Measurement distance = (Area of Sign (in square feet) x 100).
         c.   Electronic message center illumination limits. The difference between the off and solid message measurements using the EMC Measurement Criteria shall not exceed 0.3 footcandles on either side of the sign. If there is a difference in measurement of illumination levels on either side of the sign, the side of the sign facing residentially-zoned properties shall take precedence.
         d.   Dimming capabilities. All electronic message centers shall be equipped with an ambient light monitor or other device that automatically determines the ambient illumination and at all times is programmed to automatically dim according to ambient light conditions, or that can be adjusted to comply with the 0.3 foot-candle measurements.
         e.   Photometric plan. The zoning officer may require applicants to submit photometric plans demonstrating compliance with this subsection as a condition to the issuance of a sign permit.
   C.   Multi-tenant electronic message centers. Multi-tenant electronic message centers are intended to provide an opportunity for unified, multi-tenant developments to advertise on-site businesses through uniform sign designs subject to the requirements set forth in this subsection 9-11-7 C. Developments that do not meet the criteria set forth in this subsection 9-11-7 C. are permitted to display electronic message center signs in accordance with subsection 9-11-7 B.
      1.   Development eligibility requirements. Multi-tenant electronic message centers are permitted in mixed-use or nonresidential developments that meet all of the following criteria:
         a.   Unified mixed-use or nonresidential development that meets the minimum floor area requirements as specified in Table 9-11-7 C , whether existing or proposed through an approved site plan, and contains at least ten existing or proposed tenants, storefronts, or businesses.
         b.   The development must be located in the B-1, B-2, or B-3 districts and located on a principal or minor arterial roadway as designated by the comprehensive plan.
         c.   Through the sign permit application, the development must identify tenants, storefronts, and businesses eligible for signage on the multi-tenant electronic message center sign.
      2.   Sign design, location, and requirements. A mixed-use or nonresidential development that meets all of the criteria of subparagraph 9-11-7 C.1., above, may display multi-tenant electronic message centers on signs that meet all of the following criteria:
         a.   The sign shall conform to the sign prototypes and criteria set forth in table 9-11-7-C.
         b.   A maximum of one large-sized multi-tenant electronic message center sign may be displayed per eligible development meeting the criteria in subparagraph 9-11-7 C.1., except that a maximum of two (2) large-sized multi-tenant electronic message center signs may be displayed if the total square footage of existing floor area for the development exceeds four hundred thousand (400,000) square feet and is adjacent to a state highway, interstate, or tollway.
         c.   A maximum of one (1) medium-sized multi-tenant electronic message center sign may be displayed per eligible development meeting the criteria in subparagraph 9-11-7 C.1..
         d.   All electronic message center display components shall be in full color with a pitch resolution of no greater than sixteen millimeter (16 mm) spacing (e.g., 12 mm, 10 mm, etc. are acceptable).
         e.   The sign must meet the minimum setback requirements set forth in Table 9-11-7 C..
      3.   Operational Requirements. Electronic message centers must meet the operational requirements in this subsection. The zoning officer may order the owner to turn off an electronic message center that does not meet these requirements. Electronic message centers:
Multi-tenant electronic message centers:
         a.   Shall contain static messages only;
         b.   Shall be constant in intensity and color;
         c.   Shall not consist of flashing, animated, chasing or scintillating lights;
         d.   Shall display messages for a period not less than ten (10) seconds (multiple electronic message centers, if used on the same sign, shall be synchronized to change messages at the same time);
         e.   Shall meet the illumination standards set forth in subparagraph 9-11-7 -B-3;
         f.   Shall not emit illumination that encroaches onto or creates a visual nuisance on properties used for residential dwellings; and
         g.   Shall display no more than for than four separate images on the electronic message center display at any given time.
Table 9-11-7 C Multi-tenant EMC Requirements
Sign Prototype
Table 9-11-7 C Multi-tenant EMC Requirements
Sign Prototype
Sign size
Maximum sign height
25 ft.
18 ft.
12 ft.
25 ft.
18 ft.
12 ft.
14 ft.
10 ft.
Maximum EMC component size
8' x 12'
6' x 9'
4' x 6'
8' x 12'
6' x 9'
4' x 6'
6' x 12'
4' x 8'
Minimum total floor area
200,000 s.f.
75,000 s.f.
15,000 s.f.
200,000 s.f.
75,000 s.f.
15,000 s.f.
75,000 s.f.
15,000 s.f.
Required setback from residentially zoned properties
500 ft.
250 ft.
100 ft.
500 ft.
250 ft.
100 ft.
250 ft.
100 ft.
Required setback from other property lines
10 ft.
10 ft.
10 ft.
10 ft.
10 ft.
10 ft.
10 ft.
10 ft.
   D.   Manual changeable copy message centers. Manual changeable copy signs may be incorporated into signage as follows:
      1.   Manual changeable copy message centers are only permitted on monument signs or marquee signs which enclose the message center component on all sides with a finish of brick, stone, stucco, powder coated (or comparably finished) metal, or sign face that extends not less than six inches (6") from the message center in all directions. Gaps between the message center and the finish are permitted to accommodate locks and hinges for a cover for the changeable copy area, but only to the extent necessary for such locks and hinges to operate.
      2.   Manual changeable copy centers, including their frames, shall make up not more than fifty percent (50%) of the sign area. The balance of the sign area shall utilize permanently affixed letters or symbols. See Figure 9-11-7 D.1., Manual Change Copy Centers.
      3.   Manual changeable copy message centers shall not be internally lit unless:
         a.   They use opaque inserts with translucent letters, numbers, or symbols (see Figure 9-11-7 D.2., Changeable Copy Inserts);
         b.   Blank opaque inserts that are the same color as the opaque portions of the letters, numbers, and symbols are used over all areas of the sign where copy is not present; and
         c.   The opaque portion of the letters, numbers, and symbols is the same color.
   Figure 9-11-7 D.1. Manual Changeable Copy Centers
      The manual changeable copy message center (outlined in dashed blue line) may occupy not more than fifty percent (50%) of the sign area (outlined in dashed red line).
   Figure 9-11-7 D.2. Changeable Copy Inserts
      Changeable copy message centers may be internally lit if they use opaque inserts with translucent letters, numbers of symbols (see A below), but shall not be internally lit if they use clear or translucent inserts with opaque or translucent letters, numbers or symbols (see B below).
(Ord. 2024-6, 3-7-2024)