A.   Prohibited signs and design elements.
      1.   Generally. The subsection identifies signs and sign elements that are not allowed anywhere in the village.
      2.   Prohibited signs.
         a.   The following signs are prohibited in all areas of the village:
            (1)   Signs with more than two sign faces;
            (2)   Signs that are a traffic hazard because they simulate or imitate (in size, color, lettering, or design) any traffic sign or signal;
            (3)   Animated or moving signs that are visible from public rights-of-way, including any moving, swinging, rotating, flashing, blinking, scintillating, fluctuating, or otherwise animated light, except as allowed in section 9-11-7 , Message Centers;
            (4)   Vehicle signs;
            (5)   Portable signs, except as specifically permitted in section 9-11-6 , Temporary signs;
            (6)   Billboards; and
            (7)   Roof signs.
         b.   Other signs may be prohibited in certain districts. See section 9-11-5 , Permanent Signs, and section 9-11-6 , Temporary Signs, for requirements.
      3.   Prohibited design elements.
         a.   The following elements shall not be used as an element of signs or sign structures, whether temporary or permanent:
            (1)   Sound, smoke, or odor emitters;
            (2)   Awnings that are back lit and/or made of plastic;
            (3)   Stacked products (e.g., tires, soft drink cases, bagged soil or mulch); and
            (4)   Unfinished wood support structures, except that stake signs may use unfinished stakes.
         b.   The following elements shall not be used as an element of signs or sign structures, whether temporary or permanent, which are visible from public rights of way:
            (1)   Flags, banners, or comparable elements that are designed to move in the wind that are not affixed to permanent flagpoles or flagpoles that are mounted to buildings;
            (2)   Spinning or moving parts;
            (3)   Exposed reflective type bulb or strobe lights;
            (4)   Flashing lights;
            (5)   Motor vehicles, unless:
               (a)   The vehicles are functional, used as motor vehicles, and have current registration and tags;
               (b)   The display of signage is incidental to the motor vehicle use; and
               (c)   The motor vehicle is properly parked in a marked parking space or is parked behind the principal building.
            (6)   Semi-trailers, shipping containers, or portable storage units, unless:
               (a)   The trailers, containers, or portable storage units are functional, used for their primary storage purpose, and, if subject to registration, have current registration and tags;
               (b)   The display of signage is incidental to the use for temporary storage, pick-up, or delivery; and
               (c)   The semi-trailer is parked in a designated loading area or on a construction site at which it is being used for deliveries or storage.
      4.   Prohibited content.
         a.   The following content is prohibited without reference to the viewpoint of the individual speaker:
            (1)   Text or graphics of an indecent or immoral nature and harmful to minors;
            (2)   Text or graphics that advertise unlawful activity;
            (3)   Text or graphics that are obscene, fighting words, defamation, incitement to imminent lawless action, or true threats; or
            (4)   Text or graphics that present a clear and present danger due to their potential confusion with traffic control signs or signs that provide public safety information (for example, signs that use the words “Stop,” “Yield,” “Caution,” or “Danger,” or comparable words, phrases, symbols, or characters in such a manner as to imply a safety hazard that does not exist.
         b.   The narrow classifications of content that are prohibited by this subsection are either not protected by the United States or Illinois Constitutions, or are offered limited protection that is outweighed by the substantial government interests in protecting the public safety and welfare. It is the intent of the Village Board that each paragraph of this subsection (e.g., subsections 9-11-4 A.4.a.1., 9-11-4 A.4.a.2.,9-11-4 A.4.a.3., or 9-11-4 A.4.a.4.) be individually severable in the event that a court of competent jurisdiction were to hold one (1) or more of them to be inconsistent with the United States or Illinois Constitutions.
   B.   Prohibited sign locations.
      1.   Generally. Attached signs shall be installed on signable areas of buildings, as defined by subsection 9-11-3 A, Measurements. Detached signs shall be set back as required by subsection 9-11-5 B, Detached Signs. Signs that are in violation of this subsection 9-11-4 B are subject to immediate removal.
      2.   Prohibited obstructions. In no event shall a sign, whether temporary or permanent, obstruct:
         a.   Building ingress or egress, including doors, windows, fire escapes, required exitways, and any window or door opening used as an element of a means of egress or to prevent free passage from one part of a roof to another part thereof or access thereto;
         b.   Any opening required for ventilation, except that such signs may be erected in front of and may cover transom windows when not in violation of the provisions of the village building code;
         c.   Features of the building or site that are necessary for public safety, including standpipes and fire hydrants;
         d.   Sight distance triangle required by section 9-3-5 of this title.
      3.   Prohibited mounts. No sign, whether temporary or permanent, shall be posted, installed, or mounted on any of the following locations:
         a.   On trees; or
         b.   On utility poles, light poles, or on utility cabinets, except signs posted by the village or the utility that are necessary for public safety or identification of the facility by the utility provider.
      4.   Prohibited locations. In addition to the setback requirements of this chapter, and the other restrictions of this section, no sign shall be located in any of the following locations:
         a.   In or over public rights-of-way (which, in addition to streets, may include other elements, such as sidewalks, parkways, retaining walls, utility poles, traffic control devices, medians, and center islands that are within the public right-of-way), except:
            (1)   Traffic control signs installed by a governmental entity or which are required to be installed by a governmental entity (e.g., permanent traffic control devices such as stop, yield, and speed limit signs, as well as temporary signs related to street construction or repair);
            (2)   Signs posted by governmental entities that support event or emergency management, such as wayfinding to event or disaster relief locations;
            (3)   Banners posted by the village on utility or light poles according to the standards of subparagraph 9-11-4 B.3. above;
            (4)   Signs constructed by the village or another governmental or quasi-governmental entity pursuant to terms and conditions set forth in an approved intergovernmental agreement with the village; and
            (5)   Signs specifically identified in a sign design program approved pursuant to section 9-11-4 , General Design and Maintenance Standards.
         b.   In locations that have less horizontal or vertical clearance from authorized communication or energized electrical power lines that are prescribed by the laws of the State of Illinois and the regulations duly promulgated by agencies thereof.
         c.   Within easements for overhead utilities (placement in other utility easement areas is allowed only if approved by the utility service provider and if the other applicable requirements of the zoning ordinance are met).
   C.   Items of information. No sign face shall contain more than twenty (20) items of information. Items of information are measured as provided in subsection 9-11-3 A., Measurements.
   D.   Illumination of signs.
      1.   Generally. Signs shall be internally illuminated, or, if external illumination is used, the source of illumination shall be shielded.
      2.   Certification. All electrically illuminated signs shall be certified as to electric wiring and devices by the village’s electrical inspector, and all wiring and accessory electrical equipment shall conform to the requirements of the village’s electrical code.
      3.   Photometric plans. The zoning officer may require applicants to submit photometric plans demonstrating compliance with this subsection as a condition to the issuance of a sign permit.
      4.   Additional permits. Electrical permits for the erection or maintenance of illuminated signs must be obtained when required by the village’s electrical code.
      5.   Sign illumination. Signs shall not exceed the following Illumination levels:
Table 9-11-4-D-3-a - Maximum Sign Illumination Standards
Type of Illumination
Distance from Sign to R-1, R-2,
R-3, A-1, or A-2 Districts
Not visible from R-1, R-2, R-3, A-1, or A-2 Districts
Less than 200 ft.
200 ft. to 500 ft.
More than 500 ft.
Direct, internal, or backlit
90 foot-lamberts
150 foot-lamberts
250 foot-lamberts
250-foot lamberts
Indirect or reflected
10 foot-candles
25 foot-candles
50 foot-candles
50 foot-candles
   E.   Sign maintenance.
      1.   Generally. Signs and sign structures of all types (attached, detached, and temporary) shall be maintained as provided in this subsection. Signs not maintained according to applicable standards are declared to be a nuisance.
      2.   Message. Signs shall display messages. Signs that do not display a message for a period of more than thirty (30) days are abandoned.
      3.   Paint and finishes. Paint and other finishes shall be maintained in good condition. Peeling finishes shall be repaired. Signs with running colors shall be repainted, repaired, or removed if the running colors were not a part of the original design.
      4.   Mineral deposits and stains. Mineral deposits and stains shall be promptly removed.
      5.   Corrosion and rust. Permanent signs and sign structures shall be finished and maintained to prevent corrosion and rust. A patina on copper elements is not considered rust.
      6.   Level position. Signs that are designed to be level, whether temporary or permanent, shall be installed and maintained in a level position. See Figure 9-11-4 E.6., Level Position.
Figure 9-11-4 E.6. Level Position
(Ord. 2024-6, 3-7-2024)