Service structures shall include but not be limited to: loading docks, propane tanks, and dumpsters, electrical transformers, above-ground utility vaults and other equipment or elements providing service to a building or a site. The screening height shall be based upon the tallest of the structures but in no case shall the screening be required to exceed eight feet in height.
   (a)   Location of screening. A continuous planting of evergreen, fence or wall must enclose any service structure on all sides, unless such structure must be frequently moved or accessed. In such cases, screening may not be required on the side of the service structure where frequent service is occurring.
A fully closable gate shall effectively screen the service structure at the point of service or access.
   (b)   Curbs to protect screening material. Whenever screening material is placed around any dumpster, trash disposal unit or waste collection unit which is emptied or removed mechanically on a regular basis, a curb to contain the placement of the container shall be provided within the screening material. The curbing shall be at least one foot from the material and shall be designed to prevent possible damage to the screening when the container is moved or emptied.
(Ord. 17-2013, passed 9-24-2013)