   (A)   Robert’s Rules of Order.  Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, the latest edition, shall be the controlling authority on all questions of parliamentary law and procedure not specifically covered by the rules adopted by the Common Council for the conduct of business or by statute or ordinance.
   (B)   Quorum.  A majority of all the members- elect of the Common Council shall constitute a quorum.
   (C)   Voting.
      (1)   The presiding officer shall decide whether any question is carried by affirmative or negative vote; provided that if in doubt or if a roll call vote be demanded, the Council shall decide by roll call vote.
      (2)   All votes upon the passage of ordinances and resolutions, upon motions to suspend the rules or motions to reconsider, shall be by roll call.
      (3)   Upon a roll call vote on any question, after any one member shall have voted, it shall not be in order for any members to other remarks except in explanation of his vote, which he may do only simultaneously with the casting of his vote.
      (4)   Any member may demand a roll call upon any question to be voted upon by the Council, and when such demand is made the Clerk-Treasurer shall call the roll.
   (D)   Secret ballot voting.  A secret ballot vote may not be taken at any meeting of the Common Council on any matter.
(Ord. G-81-1000, passed 4-5-82)
   The rules of the Common Council may be amended, modified or annulled by a majority vote of all of the members-elect of the Common Council. All proposed amendments to such rules shall be proposed at a regular meeting of the Council, but no final action may be taken thereon until a subsequent special or regular meeting of the Council shall be duly convened.
(Ord. G-81-1000, passed 4-5-82)
   Executive sessions of the Common Council may be held in compliance with applicable state laws.
Statutory reference:
   Executive sessions, see I.C. 5-14-1.5-6.1
   (A)   (1)   Immediately prior to introduction, each ordinance and resolution shall have assigned to it by the Clerk-Treasurer a number. The number shall consist of a letter prefix, as prescribed in this rule followed by the last two digits of the calendar year in which introduced, and followed by the number in the sequence of introduction chronologically, beginning with the number next after this ordinance. All ordinances, regardless of subject matter, shall be numbered in the same sequence together with the appropriate prefix therefor as prescribed in this rule. The prefix for appropriation ordinances shall be the letter “A.” The prefix for special ordinance shall be the letter “S.” The prefix for zoning map ordinances, shall be the letter “Z.” The prefix for annexation ordinances shall be the letter “X.” And the prefix for general ordinance shall be the letter “G.”
      (2)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall also assign a number to each resolution upon its adoption. Resolutions shall be numbered in a separate sequence, beginning with number one from and after the date of this ordinance, to which number there shall be added the prefix “R.”
      (3)   Appropriation ordinances shall be limited to those appropriating the funds of the city.
      (4)   Special ordinances shall be limited to those relating to contracts and the business affairs of the city.
      (5)   Zoning map ordinances shall be limited to those amending the zoning map of the city.
      (6)   Annexation ordinances shall be limited to those annexing territory to the city.
      (7)   General ordinances shall be limited to those relating to the government of the city.
   (B)   (1)   No ordinance shall be passed on the same day that it is introduced unless the following conditions are satisfied:
         (a)   No less than two-thirds (e.g. four out of five) of the elected members are present;
         (b)   There is unanimous consent of the members present to consider the ordinance on the same day that it is introduced;
         (c)   The ordinance is passed by a two-thirds vote of all the elected members.
      (2)   An ordinance shall be read in full one time on the day of its introduction by the presiding officer or by any Council member desiring to introduce the ordinance or by such other person designated by the Presiding Officer.  Such ordinance shall be read in full one time at each additional meeting at which the ordinance is discussed or considered.  Any reading in full of an ordinance (including the initial reading) may be suspended by a vote of the majority of the Council members present.
      (3)   A majority vote of all members-elect of the Common Council shall be required to pass an ordinance at any meeting other than on the same day that it is introduced.
(Ord. G-81-1000, passed 4-5-82; Am. Ord. G-02-1134, passed 12-16-02)