(A)   The following order of business shall be observed by the Common Council at its meetings:
      (1)   Roll call of members.
      (2)   Reading, correcting and approval of the journal of the proceedings of the prior regular or special meeting.
      (3)   Communications, in the following order:
         (a)   From the Mayor.
         (b)   From the Clerk-Treasurer.
         (c)   From the City Attorney.
         (d)   From the Plan Commission.
         (e)   From other officers, boards of commissions.
         (f)   From members of the public, including petitions and remonstrances.
      (4)   Introduction of ordinances and resolutions.
      (5)   Ordinances on second reading.
      (6)   Reports of standing committees and third or final reading of ordinances.
      (7)   Miscellaneous business.
   (B)   The reading of the journal may be dispensed with at any time by order of the Council.
   (C)   The Council may order a return to any order of business after the call of the regular order of business.
(Ord. G-81-1000, passed 4-5-82)