§ 30.15  MEETINGS.
   The Common Council of the city shall meet in regular session at a date and time established in accordance with division (B) of this section except, if such date shall fall on a legal holiday, the date of such monthly meeting can be determined to be at a time and date in the month as shall be determined by a majority of the members of the Common Council at the regular meeting held in the month immediately prior thereto.
   (B)   The members-elect of the Common Council shall hold their first regular meeting in January after their election at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
      (1)   The members-elect at such meeting shall determine the time and place of the future meetings of the Common Council which shall be at least once in every month thereafter.
      (2)   The members-elect at such meeting shall review the existing rules of the Common Council and determine if such rules shall be altered, amended or rescinded and may adopt a motion to accept such rules as established or may make recommendations to alter, amend or rescind any rule or rules in part or in toto. The rules shall remain in affect until altered, amended or rescinded.
      (3)   The members-elect shall transact such other business as shall be required by statute not limited to but to include the election of a Council member to the City Plan Commission and of any other special body to which the Council shall be entitled to name a member.
   (C)   Special meetings of the Common Council shall be held upon the call of the Mayor or of any three members of the Common Council, subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   It shall be the duty of the person or persons calling the special meeting to duly notify the Clerk-Treasurer thereof in writing in time to reasonably permit the Clerk-Treasurer to prepare and serve notice on all members at least 48 hours prior to the time of the meeting as hereafter provided, whereupon it shall be the duty of the Clerk-Treasurer to cause notice of such special meeting to be served in writing upon each member, either in person or by notice left at his place of residence.
      (2)   Only such ordinances, resolutions, or such communications received or other business shall be considered or acted upon as are specifically stated in the call for the meeting.
(Ord. G-81-1000, passed 4-5-82)
   (A)   Meetings to be public.  All meetings of the Common Council, except as otherwise provided in these rules or by statutes, shall be open at all times for the purpose of permitting members of the public to observe and record them.
   (B)   Public notice.  Public notice of the date, time and place of any meetings, executive sessions, or of any rescheduled or reconvened meeting of the Common Council, shall be given in accordance with applicable state law.
Statutory reference:
   Notice for meetings, see I.C. 5-14-1.5-5
   It shall be the duty of the Mayor of the city to preside at all meetings of the Common Council of the city.
   (A)   The Mayor, while so presided, shall have a casting vote in case of a tie, but not otherwise.
   (B)   In the absence of the Mayor at any meeting for any cause, the members of the Common Council shall choose a presiding officer pro tempore, from its members, to preside at such meeting.
(Ord. G-81-1000, passed 4-5-82)
   The Clerk-Treasurer shall keep an accurate journal of the proceedings of the Common Council and as the meeting of the Council progresses, the following memoranda shall be kept:
   (A)   The date, time and place of the meeting.
   (B)   The members of the Council recorded as present or absent.
   (C)   The general substance of all matters proposed, discussed or decided.
   (D)   A record of all votes taken, and by individual members if there is a roll call.
   (E)   The memoranda are to be available within a reasonable period of time after the meeting for the purpose of informing the public of the Council’s proceedings and shall be kept in a permanent file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer.
   (F)   The minutes of all meetings of the Council shall be transcribed by the Clerk-Treasurer as soon as possible after the meeting and in any event prior to the next meeting of the Council and shall be open to the public for inspection and copying.
   (G)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall keep a permanent file of all original papers, documents, reports and correspondence filed with or submitted to the Council.
   (H)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall be custodian of all ordinances, resolutions, petitions, memorials and all other papers pertaining to the business of the Common Council.
   (I)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall call the roll of the members of the Common Council in alphabetical order at each meeting.
   (J)   If an agenda is used by the Council, the Clerk-Treasurer shall post a copy of the agenda at the entrance to the location of the meeting prior to the meeting. A rule, regulation, ordinance or other final action adopted by reference to agenda number or item alone shall be prohibited and such action shall be void.
(Ord. G-81-1000, passed 4-5-82)
   (A)   The following order of business shall be observed by the Common Council at its meetings:
      (1)   Roll call of members.
      (2)   Reading, correcting and approval of the journal of the proceedings of the prior regular or special meeting.
      (3)   Communications, in the following order:
         (a)   From the Mayor.
         (b)   From the Clerk-Treasurer.
         (c)   From the City Attorney.
         (d)   From the Plan Commission.
         (e)   From other officers, boards of commissions.
         (f)   From members of the public, including petitions and remonstrances.
      (4)   Introduction of ordinances and resolutions.
      (5)   Ordinances on second reading.
      (6)   Reports of standing committees and third or final reading of ordinances.
      (7)   Miscellaneous business.
   (B)   The reading of the journal may be dispensed with at any time by order of the Council.
   (C)   The Council may order a return to any order of business after the call of the regular order of business.
(Ord. G-81-1000, passed 4-5-82)
   (A)   Robert’s Rules of Order.  Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, the latest edition, shall be the controlling authority on all questions of parliamentary law and procedure not specifically covered by the rules adopted by the Common Council for the conduct of business or by statute or ordinance.
   (B)   Quorum.  A majority of all the members- elect of the Common Council shall constitute a quorum.
   (C)   Voting.
      (1)   The presiding officer shall decide whether any question is carried by affirmative or negative vote; provided that if in doubt or if a roll call vote be demanded, the Council shall decide by roll call vote.
      (2)   All votes upon the passage of ordinances and resolutions, upon motions to suspend the rules or motions to reconsider, shall be by roll call.
      (3)   Upon a roll call vote on any question, after any one member shall have voted, it shall not be in order for any members to other remarks except in explanation of his vote, which he may do only simultaneously with the casting of his vote.
      (4)   Any member may demand a roll call upon any question to be voted upon by the Council, and when such demand is made the Clerk-Treasurer shall call the roll.
   (D)   Secret ballot voting.  A secret ballot vote may not be taken at any meeting of the Common Council on any matter.
(Ord. G-81-1000, passed 4-5-82)
   The rules of the Common Council may be amended, modified or annulled by a majority vote of all of the members-elect of the Common Council. All proposed amendments to such rules shall be proposed at a regular meeting of the Council, but no final action may be taken thereon until a subsequent special or regular meeting of the Council shall be duly convened.
(Ord. G-81-1000, passed 4-5-82)