For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words or phrases have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section 10.36.010, except when the context otherwise indicates. All words or phrases not defined in this Section have the meanings ascribed to them in the Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/1-100 et seq.
“Intercity bus” means any bus used for the one-way transportation of ten (10) or more passengers originating from a location outside of the Village that is not a regularly scheduled service.
“Regularly scheduled service” means bus service involving passengers disembarking in the Village on a predictable and recurring basis either: (i) following a schedule that is published in advance and available to the general public, and provides service in exchange for paying a fare; or (ii) provided by a business to the business's workers engaged in commuting to or from work.
“Unscheduled stop” means the stopping or standing of an intercity bus within the Village for the purpose of unloading or the disembarking of passengers without prior approval of the Village as required by Section 10.36.020 of the Village Code.
(MC-02-2024 § 2, added, 1/9/2024)
A. Prohibited. Unscheduled bus stops of intercity buses are declared to be a nuisance and are prohibited in the Village.
B. Intercity buses may stop to allow passengers to disembark in the Village only if they comply with all of the following conditions and restrictions:
1. Permitted Hours.
a. Intercity buses may only stop or stand to allow passengers to disembark within the Village between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, but not on any federal, state, or Village holidays;
b. No intercity bus may allow passengers to disembark except within thirty (30) minutes before or after the time designated in an application that has been approved pursuant to Section 10.36.020(B)(4) of this Code.
2. Permitted Location. Intercity buses may only stop or stand to allow passengers to disembark within the Village at the Indian Hill Metra Station parking lot, located at 125 Green Bay Road, Winnetka, Illinois, or such other location as may be approved by the Village Manager or the Village Manager's designee in their sole discretion.
3. Coordination of Disembarking Passengers. The intercity bus must be met by individuals responsible for coordinating the transportation of the passengers from the stop location in the Village to their final destination(s).
4. Advance Approval. The owner, operator, or driver of an intercity bus must obtain advance written approval of the Village prior to making a stop and allowing passengers to disembark within the Village. In order to obtain advanced approval of a stop, the owner, operator, or driver of the intercity bus must submit an application to the Village Manager or the Village Manager's designee at least five days before the date of the proposed stop. The application must include the following information:
a. The full name, full address, and telephone numbers, including mobile telephone numbers of the owner, operator, and driver of the intercity bus;
b. The full name, full address, and telephone numbers, including mobile telephone numbers of any entity or individuals that have either directed, paid for, or financed the transport of persons who will disembark in the Village;
c. The make, model, state registration/plate number, fleet number, and vehicle identification number (VIN) of the vehicle that will be providing the service;
d. The quantity of persons who are proposed to disembark in the Village;
e. The name, address, or location in the Village where the applicant proposes to allow passengers to disembark;
f. The full names, addresses, telephone numbers, including mobile telephone numbers, and electronic mail addresses of all entities or individuals who will be present to meet and receive the passengers disembarking in the Village;
g. A detailed, written plan signed by the entity or individuals agreeing to be responsible for providing the plan, identifying how the disembarking passengers will be cared for, housed, and fed upon disembarking in the Village;
h. Any additional information that the Village Manager or the Village Manager's designee may require; and
i. An affirmation by the applicant that the information provided in the application is true and correct. Such affirmation must be attested to by a person authorized to administer oaths or witness affirmations within the state or territory.
5. Review of Application. Upon receipt of the application for an intercity bus stop submitted pursuant to this Chapter, the Village Manager or the Village Manager's designee will undertake a review of the information contained in the application to verify its truth and authenticity. If the application is incomplete, the Village Manager or the Village Manager's designee will, in writing, advise the applicant of the additional items needed to complete the application. No later than three (3) days after receiving a completed application, the Village Manager or the Village Manager's designee will inform the applicant, in writing, that the application is approved or denied for the proposed location of disembarkation in the Village.
6. The Village Manager or the Village Manager's designee may limit the number of applications that are approved for an intercity bus disembarkation to one (1) on any particular day. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, and the approval will be issued to the earliest filed complete and qualifying application.
7. Proof of Application and Approval. The driver of an intercity bus approved pursuant to Section 10.36.020(B)(4) to stop in the Village must have in their possession a physical or electronic copy of an approved application and present it for inspection at the place of disembarkation, upon request by any employee or designee of the Village.
(MC-02-2024 § 2, added, 1/9/2024)
The approval of an application pursuant to Section 10.36.020(B)(4) may be revoked by the Village Manager or the Village Manager's designee upon the Manager's or designee's determination that the application contains any false or misleading information.
(MC-02-2024 § 2, added, 1/9/2024)
A. Penalty. Any person, firm, or corporation that operates a bus in violation of any provision of this Chapter 10.36 will be fined in an amount of $750.00 per passenger on the bus, plus any costs incurred by the Village.
B. Impoundment. Village police officers are hereby authorized to seize and impound any intercity bus that is used in the commission or furtherance of a violation of this Chapter 10.36. Seizures and impoundments under this Section 10.36.040 will be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 10.08.090(B)(2) and (3), and 10.08.090(C)-(F).
(MC-02-2024 § 2, added, 1/9/2024)