   (a)   A “Foreclosure Property” shall be defined as any real property located within the City in which an action of foreclosure has been filed against the titled owner of the property in any court of competent jurisdiction.
   (b)   Any real property subject to a foreclosure action in any court of competent jurisdiction shall be considered to remain a foreclosure property until said foreclosure action is properly concluded or otherwise disposed of by that particular court of competent jurisdiction.
   (c)   Any foreclosure property shall be subject to compliance with the provisions of Chapter 1332 and all other applicable sections of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Willowick.
   (d)   No person, organization or representative of same shall be permitted to affix wood, plastic, steel or any other material to the exterior of a foreclosure property which covers any window, door or any other opening in the structure of the foreclosure property.
   (e)   Any damage to a window, door or any other opening to the structure of a foreclosure property shall be repaired to return the structure to compliance with all applicable ordinances for the City of Willowick within 48 hours of notification of said damage to the foreclosure property.
   (f)   The notification required in this section shall be provided to all parties subject to the foreclosure action, and all representatives of said parties, including, but not limited to any management agencies representing such parties.
   (g)   An exception to section (d) of Section 1332.08 shall be provided when wood, plastic, steel or any other material is affixed to the exterior of the foreclosure property when said action is taken by an authorized law enforcement agency.
(Ord. 2007-66. Passed 6-5-07.)