(a)   Any person or entity owning an area meeting the requirements of Section 1141.04 who desires to construct a development in the Mixed Use District shall make application to the City of Willowick Building Department. The Building Department shall forthwith forward the request for development to the Planning Commission for the approval of the concept for the development.
   (b)   The developer shall submit a preliminary plan of development within thirty days of referral by the Building Department to the Planning Commission. The developer shall submit the following to the Planning Commission prior to appearing at a Planning Commission meeting:
      (1)   The proposed location and design of public and private streets, including the location of existing utilities to be maintained or changed and the utilities to be installed;
      (2)   The proposed location of all structures, setbacks and parking areas, identified by type, size, height and use;
      (3)   The proposed assignment and use of private land and public land;
      (4)   The proposed means to prevent lakefront erosion to the development;
      (5)   The proposed landscape treatment including the proposed grading plan;
      (6)   The proposed plan for traffic circulation with the estimate of traffic volume to be generated by the development, including the location and character of proposed entrances and exits from the development area;
      (7)   The proposed forms of covenants running with the land, deed restrictions including those with respect to the use of common land, covenants, restrictions or easements proposed to be recorded and covenants proposed for maintenance;
      (8)   Cost estimates for the completion of the development including all public and private improvements in the development area; and
      (9)   Any request for adjustments to the regulations, standards or criteria set forth in Chapter 1141 and other applicable regulations set forth in the Building and Zoning Codes.
(Ord. 2012-14. Passed 3-20-12; Ord. 2014-2. Passed 1-7-14.)