(a)   The minimum area for development in the Mixed Use District shall be five contiguous acres.
   (b)   The Planning Commission shall have the authority to waive the standard set forth in Section 1141.04(a) if it determines, after public hearing, that due to unique circumstances, the minimum area cannot be practically achieved, and the development of the property at less than the minimum area will not have a material adverse impact on adjacent property or on the City as a whole. Unique circumstances shall be defined as follows:
      (1)   The development plan is adjacent to, and thus becomes, an extension of an existing or separately proposed development; or
      (2)   Due to existing uses, natural features or ownership patterns there is little likelihood that contiguous land area can be acquired and consolidated to achieve the requisite five contiguous acres.
(Ord. 2012-14. Passed 3-20-12.)