Division of Fire
   EDITOR'S NOTE: The City enters into Agreements, from time to time, with the City of Willowick Fire-Fighters Association, - which agreements provide the terms and conditions of employment of fire- fighters of all ranks, exclusive of the Fire Chief and the Assistant Fire Chief. Copies of the latest relevant legislation and of such Agreements, may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
141.01 Composition; age; rank.
141.02 Chief of Division of Fire.
141.03 Uniform allowance.
141.04 Payment of compensation.
141.05 Reimbursement for attendance at fire schools, property damage and court appearances. (Repealed)
141.06 Investigation of fires; participation in West Lake County Fire Investigation Unit.
141.07 Fire damage structure; transfer of insurance proceeds.
141.08 Assistant Fire Chief.
141.09 Holidays. (Repealed)
141.10 Compensation of temporary appointees to higher rank. (Repealed)
141.11 Compensation of Acting Chief. (Repealed)
141.12 Compensation for emergency standby duty. (Repealed)
   Sick leave - see Ohio R.C. 143.29
   General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
   Hours and leave - see Ohio R.C. 737.21, 4115.02
   Temporary firemen for emergency service - see ADM. 137.02 
   Pick-up of employee contributions to PFDPF - see ADM. 155.12 
   Fire Chief as member of Plan Review Board - see ADM. 177.02
   Parking near fire - see TRAF. 331.27 
   Driving over fire hose - see TRAF. 331.28 
   Resisting a fireman - see GEN. OFF. 501.05 
   False fire alarm or report - see GEN. OFF. 501.05
   Ohio Fire Code - see FIRE PREV. Ch. 1502
   Chief to issue fireworks permit - see GEN. OFF 549.10
   (a)   The Division of Fire shall consist of the following officers, in order of rank: Chief, five Captains, eight Lieutenants and a maximum number of fifty-eight, who shall be designated as First Class, Second Class and Third Class firefighters.
(Ord. 81-15. Passed 3-17-81; Ord. 2001-64. Passed 12-4-01; Ord. 2007-57. Passed 5-15-07; Ord. 2013-44. Passed 7-29-13; Ord. 2024-16. Passed 4-16-24.)
   (b)   Upon recommendation of the Chief of Fire and with the approval of the Safety Director, any member of the Fire Division who has at least one year of service as a Third Class firefighter shall advance to Second Class firefighter provided he or she has satisfactorily completed all requirements as prescribed by the Training Officer and the Chief of the Division of Fire, and any member of the Fire Division who has at least one year of service as a Second Class firefighter shall advance to First Class firefighter provided he or she has satisfactorily completed all requirements as prescribed by the Training Officer and the Chief of the Division of Fire.
(Ord. 82-31. Passed 4-20-82; Ord. 2007-57. Passed 5-15-07.)
   (c)   There shall be no maximum age limitation for an original appointment to the Willowick Fire Department.
(Ord. 2024-16. Passed 4-16-24.)
   (a)   Subject to the orders and directions of the Director of Public Safety, the Chief of the Division of Fire shall be responsible for the organization and supervision of the Division of Fire. Included within the supervisory authority of the Chief shall be firefighters of all ranks, whether part-time or full-time, and any secretaries assigned to the Division. The Chief shall also perform all duties and exercise all authority granted to the Chief in the Willowick Codified Ordinances, the Ohio Revised Code, and the Ohio Administrative Code.
   (b)   Pursuant to the Charter, the Chief is in the classified service of the City. Vacancies in the position shall be filled first by competitive examination and assessment of eligible Captains and Lieutenants in the Willowick Fire Department conducted by the Civil Service Commission. If less than two internal candidates sit for the examination for the position, or if all internal candidates on the eligibility list decline the appointment, individuals from outside the employ of the City of Willowick shall be eligible to take the competitive examination and assessment for, and subsequently appointed to, the position of Chief.
   (c)   There shall be no maximum age limitation on an individual appointed to the position of Chief of the Division of Fire.
   (d)   In all respects not in conflict herewith, the rules of the Civil Service Commission shall apply.
(Ord. 2024-18. Passed 4-16-24.)