   (a)   The Police Division of the City shall consist of a Chief of Police, two lieutenants, four sergeants, eighteen full-time police officers, two part-time detectives and up to four part-time police officers. Part-time police officers shall be considered regular members of the Police Division.
(Ord. 2000-30. Passed 6-6-00; Ord. 2001-22. Passed 5-15-01.)
   (b)   All members of the Division shall continue as members of the Division in such rank or grade as they now hold, subject to promotion, demotion or termination in accordance with the City Charter, ordinances, civil service regulations and divisional rules and regulations of the City. Patrolmen shall be classified as follows: Class A - Twelve months or more service on the force. Class B - Probationary patrolman - less than twelve months from the date of the commencement of solo duty, unless otherwise extended in accordance with department policy.
(Ord. 81-38. Passed 7-10-81; Ord. 2022-35. Passed 8-2-22.)