123.03 POSTING.
   Summaries of all ordinances, resolutions; and all statements, orders, proclamations, notices and reports and any other similar matter required by law, by the City Charter or by ordinance or resolution of the City to be published or posted shall be posted in not less than five of the most public places in the Municipality for a period of not less than fifteen days, as provided by Section 3.14 of the City Charter and the five most public places are hereby designated and determined as follows:
      City Hall                  30435 Lake Shore Blvd.
      Manry Activity Center            30100 Arnold Drive
      Willowick Public Library            263 E. 305th Street
      Giant Eagle Supermarket            Shoregate Shopping Center
      Willowick Senior Citizens Center         321 East 314th Street
   The posting provided for above shall be required in addition to any publication or posting, differing from those set forth above, of statements, orders, proclamations, notices and reports and other similar matters that may be required by other ordinances or resolutions of the City. However, the posting hereunder, and the publication or posting required in such other ordinances and resolutions, may be done concurrently, it not being required by this section that such other posting or publication be delayed until the completion of posting hereunder.
(Ord. 99-26. Passed 4-20-99; Ord. 2001-65. Passed 10-16-01; Ord. 2005-87. Passed 12-6-05; Ord. 2013-64. Passed 11-19-13.)