123.01 Powers, duties and authority of Director.
123.02 Accounting procedure.
123.03 Accounts of publicly-owned utilities.
123.04 Monthly financial statement.
123.05 Treasury Investment Account.
123.06 Payment for purchases and contracts in excess of one thousand five hundred dollars ($ l,500). (Repealed)
123.07 Deputy Director of Finance.
123.08 Retainage provisions for Municipal contracts.
123.09 Land Reutilization Program.
123.10 Identity Theft Policy.
Director of Finance appointed by Mayor - see CHTR. Art. V, §1
Director of Finance - see CHTR. Art. V, §3
Taxation and finances - see CHTR. Art. VIII
Uniform Bond Law - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 133
Uniform Depository Act - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 135
Treasury investment - see Ohio R.C. 731.56 et seq.
Accounts - see Ohio R.C. 733.43, 733.45 et seq.
Appropriation and expenditure - see Ohio R.C. 5705.41
Admissions tax - see ADM. Ch. 193