(A)   Applicability. This chapter is applicable to the County Board, County Executive and all departments under the County Executive, except as specified below.
      (1)   The following county officials have internal control over their office, and therefore, are not subject to the county competitive bidding statute or county purchasing ordinance:
         (a)   Auditor: ILCS Ch. 55, Act 5, § 3-1004;
         (b)   County Clerk: ILCS Ch. 55, Act 5, § 3-2003.2;
         (c)   Recorder: ILCS Ch. 55, Act 5, § 3-5005.2;
         (d)   State’s Attorney: ILCS Ch. 55, Act 5, § 3-9006; and
         (e)   Treasurer: ILCS Ch. 55, Act 5, § 3-10005.1.
      (2)   The Attorney General has determined that the following offices have internal control provisions over their office, and therefore, are not subject to the county competitive bidding statute or county purchasing ordinance: Supervisor of Assessments.
      (3)   The following county offices have internal control over their offices except for purchases of equipment:
         (a)   Coroner: ILCS Ch. 55, Act 5, § 3-3003; and
         (b)   Sheriff: ILCS Ch. 55, Act 5, § 3-6018.
      (4)   The following offices are not subject to the county competitive bidding statute or county purchasing ordinance based upon the language of the above Attorney General opinion.
         (a)   Courts;
         (b)   Public defender;
         (c)   Regional Superintendent Schools: 1987 Ill. Attorney General Opinion 233, 87-005; and
         (d)   Clerk of the Circuit Court: 1984 Ill. Attorney General Opinion 9, 84-003.
      (5)   The County Engineer shall be required to procure services, materials and equipment for road and bridge construction, maintenance, engineering, land acquisition and other technical supplies, services and engineering equipment necessary to meet the operational obligations of the County Engineer, as set forth in the Illinois Compiled Statutes.
   (B)   Procurement records. All records required by § 41.070 shall be maintained by any county agency to which procurement authority has been delegated and a copy of all records, as appropriate, shall be provided to the County Executive.
   (C)   Correspondence with vendors. All correspondence with vendors relating to the purchasing functions shall originate from the County Executive or his or her designee. Correspondence concerning matters which precede actual purchasing, such as specifications development, conceptual ideas and general industry and product application information, may be between the vendor, county agency and the County Board committees, provided copies of the correspondence are sent to the County Executive or his or her designee.
(1980 Code, § 41.011) (Ord. 08-461, passed 11-20-2008)