The following employment policies are established for deputies in accordance with the County Deputies Union contract and Local #2961.
(A) There will be a 9% pay increase for each year for 1982 and 1983.
(B) There will be 90% paid hospitalization and major medical.
(C) There will be $0.25 per hour shift differential for all shifts starting after 12:00 noon and before 6:00 a.m.
(D) All mandatory (required) training outside normal work hours (i.e. off duty) will be paid at straight time.
(E) Each deputy shall be allowed 12 sick days per year, and shall be able to accumulate unused sick days from year to year with a maximum as set forth in division (H) below.
(F) Each deputy shall be allowed one personal day per year. Unused personal days shall not accumulate from year to year.
(G) If a deputy does not use a sick day nor a personal day during the fiscal year, then he or she shall be allowed to accumulate two additional sick days as a bonus for a maximum of 14 per year.
(H) Sick time shall accumulate to a maximum of 150 days.
(1980 Code, § 33.14) (Res. 81-139, adopted 8-27-1981)
Exemptions from merit system, see § 33.002
(A) There is created the County Auxiliary Police whose members shall consist of persons of good character and repute who have satisfactorily completed and passed examinations and qualifications that may be prescribed by the Sheriff and approved by the County Board. All members shall have attained at least the age of 21 years.
(B) Members of the Auxiliary Police Department shall comply with the following.
(1) It shall be the duty of the auxiliary police to direct traffic and provide assistance to the regular Sheriff’s police in the event of natural or human-made disasters, and to aid in case of civil disorder as directed by the Sheriff.
(2) Members shall wear any uniforms or identifying apparel that shall be designated and approved by the Sheriff.
(3) No guns or weapons shall be carried by the members except under the specific direction of the Sheriff.
(4) Members shall receive no compensation for their services, except as may be allowed or provided by the County Board, and by state statute.
(5) There shall be held monthly meetings of the members for the purpose of training and instructing the members. The time and place of the meetings is to be designated by the Sheriff.
(6) Applications for membership in the County Auxiliary Police Department shall be made to the Sheriff, on forms provided by him or her for the purpose.
(7) The Sheriff shall, from time to time, adopt and prescribe rules and regulations for the operation and conduct of the Auxiliary Police Department.
(8) Appointments to the Auxiliary Police Department will be made by the Sheriff with the advice and consent of the County Board. The Sheriff is authorized to appoint 80 auxiliary deputies.
(9) Auxiliary deputies shall perform those duties prescribed by law only at those times and places specifically authorized by the Sheriff or Chief Deputy.
(10) No member shall drink intoxicating liquors while on any duty, or in uniform while on or off duty.
(11) When permitted by the Sheriff to carry weapons, no member will remove any firearm from its holster except to protect his or her life. Positively no horseplay with guns shall be permitted.
(12) No member will accept or arrange to accept any gifts or gratuities while on or off duty in any connection with his or her police activities.
(13) Members will obey all laws and regulations, thereby setting an example for the citizens by their good conduct.
(14) Members will respect the rights and safety of the public in carrying out their police work.
(15) Members are to cooperate with all law enforcement officers, to be courteous and polite to everyone they contact, and to carry out police duties as persons of the finest caliber.
(16) All special assignments, including picnics, fairs, private parking (such as churches or shopping centers), dances, special community programs and the like, shall be cleared and approved by the Sheriff and/or the Chief Deputy.
(1980 Code, § 33.15) (Sup. Rec. Bk. , p. 494, adopted 11-19-1975) (Res. 79-148, adopted 7-25-1979)
All corrections officers appointed by the Sheriff of the county to staff the county jail shall be made from a list of qualified applicants furnished to him or her by the County Merit Commission. Lists will be furnished to the Sheriff which have been completed according to recognized merit principles of public employment. This plan shall be administered by the County Merit Commission, who shall promulgate rules, regulations and procedures for the operation of the merit system, effective January 1, 1982.
(1980 Code, § 33.16) (Res. 81-226, adopted 12-17-1981)
Merit Commission, § 33.003
The County Board establishes the Sworn Personnel Reimbursement Fund to pay for extra-curricular employment. The rate to be charged for this service shall be $15 per hour for the service of a deputy and $17 per hour for the service of a deputy and police vehicle for patrol purposes.
(1980 Code, § 33.17) (Res. 81-211, adopted 11-19-1981)
The County Board recognizes the County Sheriff’s Police Management Association as the exclusive representative for all full-time members of the County Sheriff’s Police who are sworn peace officers and hold the Merit Commission rank of sergeant and lieutenant, excluding those serving in exempt positions.
(1980 Code, § 33.18) (Res. 91-216, passed 9-19-1991)