City Manager
135.01   Duties generally.
135.02   Rules and regulations.
135.03   Transfer of work among departments.
135.04   Secretary.
135.05   Administrative Assistant.
135.06   Staff of City Manager.
135.07   Establishing the price of certain goods.
   Appointment - see CHTR. § 5.01
   Qualifications - see CHTR. § 5.02
   Council relations - see CHTR, § 5.03
   Powers and duties - see CHTR. § 5.04
   Absence or disability - see CHTR. § 5.05
   Removal - see CHTR. § 5.06
   Administrative departments - see CHTR. § 5.07 et seq.; ADM. Ch. 131
   Preparation of tax budget - see CHTR. § 6.02 et seq.
   Bond - see ADM. 167.34