Ord. No.   Date   Description
1954-35   5-26-54   From Quigley Brothers for a site for garbage disposal.
1960-8   3-14-60   Lease with New York, Chicago & St. Louis RR with respect to driveway adjacent to tracks extending westerly from Lloyd Rd.
1961-23   2-13-61   With Cleveland Crane and Engineering for access to the dump site.
1967-36   4-10-67   Amends lease with Norfolk and Western Ry. Co. (formerly the New York, Chicago & St. Louis RR Co.)
1969-32   4-28-69   YMCA to lease City land at 2501 Bishop Rd.
1970-85   10-12-70   With Board of Education for premises on Worden Rd.
1977-97   12-12-77   Increase of rent for Covenant Baptist Church premises used by senior citizens.
1978-96   12-26-78   Increase of rent for Covenant Baptist Church premises used by senior citizens.
1979-48   7-30-79   From Dougherty Lumber Co. for use as the Wickliffe Community Gardens.
1979-49   7-30-79   With Board of Education for parking areas.
1979-53   8-13-79   With P. Insana for the installation of a junction chamber.
1980-55   9-8-80   With Board of Education for classrooms at Mapledale Elementary School for a senior citizens center.
Res.1983-11   2-28-83   With Board of Education for Worden Rd. School and sub-lease to Wickliffe Civic Center Inc.
1984-96   11-26-84   Authorizes supplemental lease with Wickliffe City School District for use of Mapledale Elementary School as a senior citizens center.
Res.1985-27   8-5-85   With Board of Education for Worden Rd. School and sub-lease to Wickliffe Civic Center Inc.
1992-7   2-22-93   With Alfieri Truck and Contracting Co.
Res.1993-4   2-22-93   With Provo House Guild for lease of Provo House, 28855 Euclid Ave.
1993-39   6-28-93   With Kurtz Bros., Inc. for lease of portion of Wickliffe Sanitary Landfill for leaf composting facility.
1993-45   7-19-93   Repeals Ord. 1992-7.
1996-5   1-22-96   Lease of Fire Station #2 for temporary use by the Wickliffe Public Library.
Res.1997-10   6-23-97   Lease of property formerly known as Worden Road School to the Wickliffe Civic Center.
1999-7   2-22-99   Lease of property formerly known as Worden Road School to the Wickliffe Civic Center.
1999-8   3-22-99   Lease of property to Kurtz Brothers, Inc. for the operation of a leaf composting facility.
2001-6   2-12-01   Lease of property formerly known as Worden Road School or a portion thereof to the Wickliffe Civic Center Inc.
2003-22   4-28-03   Amends existing lease of the Worden School to the Wickliffe Civic Center Inc.
2003-40   8-14-03   Amends existing lease of the Worden School to the Wickliffe Civic Center Inc.
2004-48   6-28-04   Leasing property owned by City to Ohio Mulch for the operation of a composting facility.
2006-70   11-28-06   Lease agreement with Istra Realty, LLC for property located at 28940 Euclid Ave. for the Senior Center.