Ord. No. Date Description
1922-43 8-16-22 Hillcourt Ave. to Lincoln Ave.
1927-19 6-1-27 Crane St. to Cline St.
1932-18 9-29-32 Change to certain street names.
1942-33 12-14-42 Todd St. to Anderson Ave.
1945-19 4-26-45 Change of certain street names.
1949-36 11-28-49 Depot St. to East 289th St.
1955-13 3-28-55 Ashmere Court to 289th St.
1956-32 5-14-56 Clark St. to Coulby Ave., Meadow St. to Oak St., Park Drive to Bell Drive to Bell Ridge Drive.
1961-25 2-27-61 Park Dr. between Rockefeller Rd. and its westerly terminus to Nehls Park Dr.
1980-59 9-22-80 Sterling Rd. between Parkwood and its northwest terminus to Ezmor Lane.
1981-34 7-13-81 Worden Rd. between the newly constructed underpass south and its southerly terminus at Euclid Ave. to Bailey Dr.
2002-58 1-27-02 The Thoroughfare designated as Bailey Drive between Euclid Ave. and the railroad underpass renamed Worden Road.