Ord. No. Date Description
1929-109 8-21-22 Purchase of certain property in Tract 12 Willoughby Twp. for street purposes.
1924-6 4-2-24 Purchase of property for Fire Department Building.
1929-44 5-22-29 Purchase of sublots Nos. 145 and 146 of Bell Ridge Hts. Subdivision from Royal Acres Estate Co.
1930-33 6-11-30 Purchase of certain land in Tract 12 of Willoughby Twp. for street purposes.
1930-38 6-11-30 Purchase of property in Tract 8 of Willoughby Twp. from G. C. McClure.
1930-102 10-15-30 Purchase of land from M. Piano for street purposes.
1945-28 6-11-45 Sale of property of Municipal Bldg. and land at 537 Euclid Ave.
1952-44 10-27-52 Sale of City Hall and Peoples' Memorial Park.
1952-44 11-10-52 Sale of Lot No. 106 on Weber Ave.
Res.1953-1 1-12-53 Purchase of Mormostein property for park and City Hall.
1956-2 1-9-56 Sale of certain property not needed by the City.
1956-6A 2-13-56 Purchase of property from Fenwick Construction Co. for City purposes.
Res.1956-12 4-9-56 Purchase of property from Clara Nasco for City purposes.
1956-73 10-8-56 Sale of 0.0413 acre being a 15 by 120 foot parcel and a part of Fenwick Park.
Res.1957-10 3-25-57 Nehs to purchase property described in Ordinance 1956-73.
1958-60 8-11-58 Purchase from Bacher for connecting Parkwood Dr. and Arthur Ave. at Woodrow Ave.
1958-82 10-13-58 Purchase of Sublots 168 and 169 in Bell Ridge Hts. Subdivision.
1959-10 2-9-59 Sale of 0.455 acre authorized at intersection of Arthur and Woodrow Aves.
1959-32 4-13-59 Sale of parcel described in Ord. 1959-10 to Robert Woodrow.
1960-56 5-23-60 Purchase from Greene of NW corner of East 289th St. and Euclid Ave.
1960-65 6-27-60 Purchase from Lowensohn and Masoni of 38.055 acres known as the Euclid Shale and Brick property.
1961-35 3-27-61 Sale of parcel at NW corner of East 289th St. and Euclid Ave.
1961-78 7-24-61 Sale to Kalich of unimproved parcel 14 by 125 feet at NW corner of East 289th St. and Euclid Ave.
1961-83 7-24-61 Land exchange with Howard Morrison of property abutting Nehls Park Dr.
1962-36 6-25-62 Purchase of 10 acres from the Board of Education.
1962-69 9-13-62 Conveyance to Kellog of Sublot 109 in Mapledale Allotment in exchange for right to enter and deepen creek on Kellog premises.
1962-90 12-27-62 Acceptance of 3.8 acres on Lloyd Rd. from Lubrizol Corp. for recreational purposes.
1963-5 1-28-63 Acceptance of quit claim deed from West Side Holding Co. for part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lot 13 in Tract 11.
1963-27 3-25-63 Purchase from Burko of parcel for ingress and egress to City recreational property.
1963-38 4-22-63 Acceptance of Burko deed authorized by Ord. 1963-27 subject to exemption from Talmadge Ave. assessments.
1963-61 6-24-63 Conveyance of 2.019 acres on Euclid Ave. to Straka.
1963-62 7-8-63 Acceptance of deed from Taylor for parcel on Wood St.
1964-39 5-11-64 Purchase of 0.298 acre on Grand Blvd. from Jaketic.
1964-40 5-11-64 Purchase of 0.242 acre on Franklin Ave. from Orlosky.
1965-7 1-25-65 Sale of parcel 100 feet in width to Cleveland Crane and Engr. Co.
1965-25 4-12-65 Purchase of 0.242 acre on Franklin Ave. from Orlosky; repeals 1964-40.
1965-26 4-12-65 Purchase of 0.298 acre on Grand Blvd. from Jaketic; repeals Ord. 1964-39.
1965-48 4-14-65 Purchase of 7500 acres on Ridgewick Dr. from Morrison Builders, Inc.
1966-89 11-14-66 Appropriation of 59.913 acres at Bridle Path Trail and Country Club Dr.
1966-101 11-28-66 Purchase of 2.019 acres on Euclid Ave. from Straka.
1967-48 6-15-67 Acceptance of 0.819 acre on Lakeland Blvd. from Lubrizol Corp.
1967-80 9-25-67 Acceptance of 212.50 square feet from Shell Oil Co. at intersection of Lakeland Blvd. and Worden Rd.
1968-13 2-26-68 Acceptance of parcel from Dougherty Lumber Co. at intersection of Euclid Ave. and East 294th St.
1969-13 2-24-69 Acceptance of 1.183 acres on Lloyd Rd. from McNeil Corp.
1969-73 9-8-69 Appropriation of 0.0574 acre for part of proposed Truman Ave.
1969-74 9-8-69 Appropriation of 0.0287 acre for part of proposed Truman Ave.
1969-82 10-27-69 Purchase of 0.0287 acre from Morel for a public street.
1969-88 11-24-69 Acceptance of 0.593 acre on Lakeland Blvd. from Lubrizol Corp.
1969-90 11-24-69 Purchase of 0.0574 acre from Morel for a public street.
1972-58 9-25-72 Purchase from Strnad of parcel fronting 150 feet on Ridge Rd.
1973-54 7-9-73 Sale of 25-ft. parcel to D. W. and V. Nosse.
1974-7 2-11-74 Purchase of property from Esther Bertha Christensen to provide right of way for installation of storm and sanitary sewers.
1974-56 10-14-74 Purchase of property from T. C. and J. Gilbert to provide right of way for installation of storm and sanitary sewers.
1975-56 9-22-75 Conveyance of 0.0036 acre on Park Dr. to W. H. and D. D. Scull by means of a quit claim deed.
1978-47 6-26-78 Authorizes sale of property on Elm St. to F. Formica.
1978-48 6-26-78 Authorizes sale of property on Hazel Ave. to F. Formica.
1978-49 6-26-78 Authorizes sale of property on Ashwood Dr. to R. Bertram.
1978-62 8-17-78 Authorizes agreement for acquisition of right of way for Worden Rd. grade separation.
1979-55 8-13-79 Appropriation at intersection of Worden Rd. with Norfolk and Western and New York Central Railroad.
1979-77 11-14-79 Appropriation at intersection of Worden Rd. with Norfolk and Western and New York Central Railroad.
Res.1980-12 4-14-80 Acceptance of two parcels of land at the intersection of E. 305th St. and Euclid Ave. for a traffic signal.
Res.1980-56 12-22-80 Acceptance of land from Drost & Simon Co. and Zaremba Properties East Co. at eastern end of Bridle Path Tr.
Res.1981-53 9-14-81 Acceptance of two parcels of land at the intersection of E. 305th St. and Euclid Ave. for a traffic signal.
Res.1984-45 11-26-84 Accepts 40 foot wide parcel from Bishop of Cleveland for a roadway from Mt. Carmel Dr. to Euclid Ave.
Res.1987-42 7-13-87 Purchase of 0.068 acres on East 300th St. for public use.
1989-60 7-10-89 Acquisition of 28855 Euclid Ave.
1992-69 2-8-93 Authorizes bid at Sheriff's sale for Sublots 52, 53 and 54 in Samuel A. Harrington's Lakeland-Worden Subdivision, being .774 acres on Worden Rd.
Res.1993-12 5-24-93 Acceptance of land to widen intersection of Lloyd Rd. and Lakeland Blvd.
1993-48 7-19-93 Purchase of land for new centrally located fire station.
1993-55 9-1-93 Purchase of property at 29865 Euclid Ave. for new fire station.
1993-56 9-1-93 Purchase of property at 29885 Euclid Ave. for new fire station.
Res.1994-16 11-14-94 Accepts conveyance of parcel by Bailey Controls Co. for new fire facility.
1994-49 9-12-94 Accepts conveyance of parcel by Laru, Inc. for redesign and expansion of intersection of E. 305 St. and Lakeland Blvd.
1994-78 11-10-94 Accepts conveyance of parcel by Lubrizol Corp. for widening Worden Rd.
1996-74 11-25-96 Accepts the donation of two parcels of real property located on Truman Ave. from Adelio and Lucia DiFranco.
1996-76 12-23-96 Authorizes the purchase of the property known as Worden School from the Wickliffe Board of Education.
1998-2 1-26-98 Transfers the fee interest in certain real property in the City formerly used as a Municipal Fire Station to Lubrizol Corp.
1999-84 12-27-99 Accepts a donation from Retlaw, Inc., of certain real property located on Truman Ave.
2001-22 3-12-01 Sale of City owned property to Phillip, Gail, David and Stacey Gabriel.
2001-23 3-12-01 Authorizes the exchange of certain properties owned by the City and Lubrizol to facilitate the expansion of certain parking facilities operated by Laketran.
2002-33 6-10-02 Authorizes the Mayor to execute a deed returning certain real property presently owned by the City of the Lubrizol Corp.
2003-45 8-14-03 Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement to convey certain real property to Arnold and Riedia Zielke.
2005-6 1-24-05 Approves a purchase and sale agreement between the City and Green Ridge Golf Course, Inc.
2005-14 2-14-05 Purchases land for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-15 2-28-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-29 3-14-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-36 3-28-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-40 4-11-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-44 4-25-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-45 4-25-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-52 5-23-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-53 5-23-05 Appropriation of a fee simple interest in certain real property in connection with the Bishop Road Improvement Project.
2005-58 5-23-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-59 5-23-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-60 5-23-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-61 5-23-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-65 6-13-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-66 6-13-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-73 9-12-05 Accepts a highway easement granted by Colleen Sztul as to a portion of the property located at 2500 Rockefeller Road.
2005-74 9-12-05 Accepts a highway easement granted by Kristen Turoczy and Shawn West as to a portion of the property located at 2510 Rockefeller Road.
2007-49 6-11-07 Directs the Mayor to purchase real estate at 28910 Ridge Road.
2008-80 12-15-08 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an exclusive right-to-sell agreement with the Re/Max Homesource Team of Jayme M. Sandy and Louise Siefert to sell the Green Ridge Golf Course Historical Residential Home.
2010-18 4-12-10 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an exclusive right-to-sell agreement with Paul Paratto, CRS, the Paratto Team, to sell the Green Ridge Golf Course Historical Residential Home.
2012-35 4-9-12 Sale of City owned property to Joseph J. Evans and Kathy M. Evans.
2012-67 9-24-12 Purchase of 9.30 acres from Dougherty Lumber Company.