(a)    Additional Area for Comer Lots and Side and Rear Entrances. For any use which is on a corner lot, which faces a side street or has a customer entrance facing a parking lot (when such parking lot does not face the main street), their maximum allowable area for identification signs pursuant to Tables IV, V, VI and VII may be increased for each additional frontage. The increase for each such frontage shall be equal to forty percent (40%) of the allowable sign area if the additional frontage were considered the principal frontage; provided that:
      (1)   The allowable increase by virtue of the side street(s) or entrance(s) is not aggregated with or used with the allowable sign area along the principal street;
      (2)    The sign area permitted along the principal frontage may, however, be redistributed a long the secondary frontage(s) provided that the total sign area facing the secondary street does not exceed two square feet per lineal foot of frontage along the secondary street(s) or parking lot; and
      (3)    No sign by virtue of any redistribution shall exceed the area specified in subsections 1161.04(b)(l), (c)(l) and (d)(l).
   (b)    Additional Area for Wall Signs.
      (1)    Large building set back. The sign may be increased by one-half square foot of sign area for each lineal foot for that portion of the square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of the building which is more than 200 feet from the street and facing such street where the additional sign area is included in a sign placed on that portion of the building.
      (2)    Development identification sign. In addition to the area for identification signs, a building in a Business District is permitted an additional thirty square feet on each building face, according to subsection (a) hereof, for development identification signs to identify the name of the building. Any portion of such sign which is larger than thirty square feet is subject to the maximum allowable area for identification signs pursuant to Tables III, IV and V.
      (3)    Second floor tenants. Each second floor tenant is permitted a window sign not to exceed two square feet in addition to the maximum area permitted for identification signs or window signs; provided that if any such sign exceeds two square feet or which is not located within a window shall be included within the maximum permissible areas for identification signs.
   (c)    Regulations for Freestanding Signs.
      (1)    Corner lots. One additional freestanding sign may be permitted for a comer lot provided that:
         A.    The corner lot has a total frontage, on both sides, of 200 feet;
         B.    The total area of all identification signs complies with Tables IV, V, VI, and VII;
         C.    The second freestanding sign is clearly located to provide identification along the secondary street;
         D.    The total area of both freestanding signs shall not exceed one hundred seventy-five percent (175%) of the maximum area permitted for single sign.
   (d)    Size, Area and Height by Conditional Use Permit.
      (1)    The Planning Commission may grant a conditional use permit for the erection of pole signs and roof signs as provided for in Chapter 1331 and Section l345.35(d) of the Codified Ordinances.
      (2)    The granting of a conditional use permit shall be limited to the following situations.
         A.    Where the pole sign or roof sign is located within 200 feet of the right-of-way line of a limited access highway in General Business, Commercial Manufacturing and Industrial Districts. However, any conditional use permit granted pursuant to this paragraph shall comply with the following minimum conditions.
            l.    The pole sign shall not exceed ninety-eight feet in height;
            2.    An engineer licensed in the State of Ohio and properly qualified, shall affix his or her stamp with name and registration number on drawings submitted to the Planning Commission for approval, certifying to the ability of the structure to withstand the natural or other forces to which such sign or structure may be expected to be subjected.
         B.    Where the pole sign or roof sign is located on a parcel of land having a frontage of 200 feet on Euclid Avenue and a minimum total area of four acres in a General Business District. However, any conditional use permit granted pursuant to this paragraph shall comply with the following minimum conditions.
            l.    Shall be located within fifteen feet of the center line of such parcel;
            2.    Shall be set back at least fifteen feet from the right-of-way line;
            3.    Shall not exceed thirty-five feet in height;
            4.    The area of such sign together with the area of all other signs on such premises does not exceed the area as provided for in Section 1161.04(c)(2).
      (3)    Any conditional use permit issued pursuant to Section 1161.06(d) shall incorporate therein the size, area and height of such pole sign or roof sign.
   (e)    Regulations for Real Estate Signs. The allowable sign area for real estate signs pursuant to Tables IV, V, VI and VII may be increased by one square foot of area for each additional lineal foot of property frontage in excess of 120 feet; provided that no single sign face exceeds 100 square feet and that no more than two real estate signs shall be permitted on any street frontage.
(Ord. 2019-03. Passed 1-14-19.)