(a)    Signs Permitted by Zoning Districts.
      (1)    Signs, as classified by the type information and contents being displayed, are permitted in the various zoning districts according to Table I, II and III. The sign types correspond to the definitions in Section 1161.03(a)(3).
      (2)    Signs, classified by their physical characteristics and the manner in which they are erected, are permitted in each zoning district according to Table IV, V, VI and VII. The signs correspond to the definitions in Section 1161.03(a)(2).
      (3)    Identification signs and development identification signs are only permitted in the R1-100, R1-75, R1-60, R1-50, R2F and RMF Zoning Districts when such signs are accessory to a permitted multiple family, institutional or public use.
      (4)   Accessory signs for permitted single family uses of the nonconforming residence in the Business District, Parking District and Office Building District shall comply with the sign regulations for signs in the R1-60 Zoning District.
      (5)    Any legally nonconforming use is entitled to accessory signs in accordance with the sign regulations for the zoning district in which the nonconforming use is permitted. If the use is permitted in more than one district, the most restrictive sign regulations shall govern.
      (6)    The changeable copy part of the sign shall not cover more than sixty-five percent (65%) of the total sign area.
   (b)    Basic Area Requirements for Signs in Institutional/Recreational Districts.
      (1)    One bulletin board not exceeding forty square feet in area and not exceeding six feet in height shall be permitted on the premise of any use permitted in an Institutional and Recreational District.
      (2)    Signs necessary for the safe and efficient movement of traffic on premises shall be permitted.
      (3)    Signs necessary to the operation of the proposed use shall be permitted. The Planning Commission shall approve such signs upon determining that their size, location and illumination does not adversely affect adjoining properties.
      (4)    Temporary signs for special events shall be permitted by the Building Commissioner provided the signs are not confused with traffic signs and do not interfere with the movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
      (5)    The Building Commissioner may approve greater areas for identification signs on institutional or public uses, than specified in Tables IV through VII, if the Building Commissioner determines that, because of the large size of the facilities and its site, that the proposed larger sign shall be consistent with the objectives, intent and criteria of this chapter.
   (c)    Basic Area Requirements for Signs in Residential Districts.
      (1)    Signs in the Residential Districts shall conform to the area requirements in Tables I and IV unless otherwise specified in this chapter.
      (2)    Name plates shall be a maximum of two square feet for each single family dwelling and for each unit in a two family dwelling; and a maximum of six square feet for each building in a multiple family or institutional development.
      (3)    One subdivision sign is permitted for each existing street, existing at the time the new subdivision is begun, on which the new subdivision has frontage.
      (4)    Signs for which no maximum area limitations are specified are subject to the review and approval of the Building Commissioner, subject to the procedures and requirements of Section 1161.08.
   (d)    Basic Area Requirements for Signs in Business Districts.
      (1)    Signs in the Business Districts shall conform to the area requirements in Table VI; unless regulations are otherwise specified in this chapter.
      (2)    The maximum permitted area for identification signs is two times the length of the building frontage. The maximum area applies to the total of all types of identification signs (wall, integral, projecting, marquee/canopy or freestanding), nameplates, emblems, instructional signs, directional signs and window signs unless otherwise exempt pursuant to Section 1161.03(b)(2), Notwithstanding the above standard, each building shall be permitted a minimum forty square feet of identification signs (wall or projecting) and, if the site complies with the provisions of subsection (f)(3) hereof, a portion of the allowable area may be used for a freestanding sign. The maximum size of any one face of a pole sign shall not exceed thirty-six square feet.
      (3)    Ground signs in a Business District shall not be located within the required yards, and shall not be less than five feet from another business lot and not less than twenty-five feet from a Residential District line. Such signs shall not exceed three feet in height and shall be set back a minimum of twelve feet from the right-of-way. The total area of a ground sign shall not exceed forty square feet. Temporary development signs may, however, be located in front of the setback line and a permanent development sign may be located in front of the setback line if approved by the Building Commissioner. Directional signs may be located within the required yards.
   (e)    Basic Area Requirements for Signs in Commercial-Manufacturing and Industrial Districts.
      (1)    Signs in these Districts shall conform to the area requirements in Table VII, unless the regulations are otherwise specified in this chapter.
   (f)    General Location and Height Standards.
      (1)    Wall signs shall not project more than eighteen inches from the face of the building; nor extend above the roof line, nor behind the wall to which the sign is affixed.
      (2)    Projecting signs shall be limited to one for each customer entrance to the building, and shall not project more than five feet from the face of the building, nor more than two feet over the right-of-way line. All projecting signs shall have a minimum clearance of eight feet from the ground to the bottom of the sign.
      (3)    Freestanding signs (pole, ground or pylon) are permitted according to the following regulations.
         A.    Freestanding signs are permitted in accordance with subsection (a)(2) hereof when the principal building is set back from the street right of way a minimum of twenty-five feet and the site has a continuous lot frontage of not less than 100 feet, or when the owner of a facility or parcel which does not possess such minimum required frontage has entered into an agreement, subject to the Law Director, which secures the rights to such freestanding sign from those adjacent property owners who are otherwise so entitled to a freestanding sign.
         B.    One freestanding sign is permitted per project or development, except for facilities on corner lots, pursuant to Section 1161.06(c)(l), and bonuses as established for large lots.
         C.    Freestanding signs shall be:
            l.    Set back from the street right of way a distance equal to one-half the height of the sign provided that no freestanding sign shall be closer to the front property line than seven feet and provided that no part of a sign is closer than four feet from a line drawn vertically from the front property line. Pylon signs shall be set back a minimum of twelve feet from the front property line and shall be so located so as not to obstruct sight lines for vehicles or pedestrians.
            2.    A minimum of twenty-five feet from any Residential Zoning District and a minimum of ten feet from any side property line.
         D.    Ground signs, when permitted, shall be erected in landscaped setting, and shall not be permitted on sidewalks, drives or in parking lots and shall maintain the same setback as for buildings except one ground sign may be permitted for each establishment at not less than twenty-five feet from the street line in C-M, I and IR Districts.
            1.    Signs not exceeding three feet in height shall be set back not less than twelve feet from the front property line.
            2.    Signs not exceeding five feet in height shall be set back not less than twenty-five feet from the front property line.
            3.    Signs not exceeding ten feet in height shall be set back not less than forty feet from the front property line.
            4.    Ground signs and/or monument signs, when permitted and erected, shall eliminate the need for any prior pole sign and the existing pole sign shall be removed. A business owner that has been maintaining and using an existing pole may continue to maintain and use that pole sign. Upon any change of ownership of the existing business, the pole sign shall be removed and in its place, if permitted, a ground sign or monument sign must be erected; however, if the ownership change results in the continuation of the same business entity and name, the new owner may elect to continue to maintain and use the existing pole sign. Only one ground sign or monument sign shall be permitted per owned lot; in the event of multiple or joint occupancy, it is the responsibility of the property owner to apportion the permitted sign area among the multiple users.
               (Ord. 2019-03. Passed 1-14-19.)