(a)    Definitions.
      (1)   General sign definitions.
         A.    "Sign" means any structure, or part thereof, any device attached to a structure, or painted or represented directly or indirectly thereon; or any other device which is intended to announce, direct, advertise or draw attention to. A sign may include banners, lights and other site or building features, and may be represented by words or letters, figures, symbols or characterizations, or other insignia or devices. Architectural features, either as part of the building or freestanding, are not considered signs and are thus exempt from these regulations. An architectural feature is any construction attending but not an integral part of the sign, and which consists of landscape or building or structural forms complementing the site in general.
         B.    "Accessory sign" means a sign which directs attention to a business, use, service, activity, commodity or profession conducted, sold or offered upon the same lot where such sign is located.
         C.    "Billboard" means a sign which-directs attention to a business, use, service, activity, commodity or profession which is not conducted, sold or offered upon the same lot where such sign is located.
         D.    "Sign area or dimension".
            l.    For a sign which is framed, outlined, painted or otherwise prepared and intended to provide a background for a sign display, the area or dimensions includes the entire portion within such background or frame.
            2.    For a sign which is comprised of individual letters, figures or elements on a wall or similar surface of the building or structure, or an irregular shaped freestanding sign, the area of the sign shall encompass a regular, or a combination of regular geometric shapes which form or approximate the perimeter of all the elements in the display. When separate elements are organized to form a single sign, but the elements are separated by open space, the area shall be calculated by determining the geometric form, or combination of forms, which comprise all the display area, including the space between the elements.
            3.    For any sign, the area includes the frame but not the pole or other structural support unless such pole or structural support is illuminated or otherwise so designated to constitute a display device.
            4.    When a pole or ground sign has more than two faces, the maximum area shall be calculated as having three faces. The area shall be determined by calculating the area of a single geometric plan which encompasses the figures or object and multiplying such area by three.
            5.    Final determination of the sign area and sign dimension shall be the responsibility of the Building Commissioner.
         E.    "Sign height" shall be measured from the base of the sign, if a freestanding sign, from its point of attachment to the ground to the top-most element. A wall sign, or projecting sign, or a freestanding sign on a man-made base (including a graded earth mound) shall be measured from the grade of the nearest street, drive or parking area.
      (2)    Definitions of sign types by physical characteristics and location.
         A.    "Emblem" means any device, symbol, design or figure (not otherwise defined in this section) which is used as an identifying mark to announce, direct or advertise and may include, but is not limited to, banners, lights, site or building sculptures.
         B.    "Freestanding" means a sign which is supported from the ground or a structure, other than a building, and may be either a:
            1.    "Ground sign" means a freestanding sign not exceeding ten feet in height from the ground to the top of the sign.
            2.    "Pole sign" means a freestanding sign, the bottom of which is a minimum of eight and one-half feet from the ground and the maximum height of which does not exceed twenty-five feet, except for pole signs at highway interchanges which may be increased in height pursuant to Section 1161.06(d).
            3.    "Pylon" means a freestanding pole sign which differs from a pole sign in that information extends from the bottom of the sign face to the ground.
         C.    "Integral sign" means letters, words or insignia cut into the building surface (primary masonry) at the time the building was constructed to convey a memorial, the name of the building, address, or date of construction or similar message.
         D.    "Marquee/canopy" means a sign attached to the soffit or fascia of the marquee, canopy, roof projection over a walk, or permanent awning provided such sign shall not be placed on top or project above the top of such marquee, canopy or similar roof.
         E.    "Portable sign" means a sign which is designed to be moved and is not permanently, attached to a building, structure or the ground.
         F.    "Projecting" means a sign erected on the outside wall of a building which projects out at an angle therefrom.
         G.    "Roof sign" means a sign erected on, and completely over, the roof of the building, or a wall, projecting or marquee sign, part ofwhich extends above the roof or the top of the marquee respectively.
         H.    "Wall sign" means a sign erected parallel to, or painted on the surface, or on the outside wall of any building, and not extending more than eighteen inches therefrom, and which does not project above the roof line or beyond the comer of the building.
         I.    "Bulletin board" means an announcement sign directing attention and located on the lot of a public or semi-public institution.
      (3)    Definitions of signs by type of information and contents displayed.
         A.    "Development identification" means a sign identifying the name and address of a completed residential subdivision, a multiple family development, and/or office, industrial park or subdivision. Such sign in any office complex or industrial park may include a directory of uses.
         B.    "Directional" means a sign directing or guiding traffic and parking on private property with no part of any such sign more than five feet above grade.
         C.    "Identification" means a sign intended to announce or promote the use, activity, service or business on the premises and which may contain the name of the use, business or facility address: telephone number, identification of the principal products, services or activities offered; hours of operation; directory of occupants; or prices of products or services offered.
         D.    "Instructional" means a sign which may or may not be required to instruct employees, customers or users as to specific parking requirements; the location or regulations pertaining to specific activities on the site or in the building; specific services offered or methods of payments accepted. In Residential District, instructional signs may include security identification, no trespassing signs, signs identifying presence of animals, directing deliveries, etc., provided that such signs do not contain names of corporations or trade names with the purpose of advertising.
         E.    "Historical or commemorative information" means any sign which is solely intended to identify, commemorate or describe a building, place or site of historic significance; or a sign on a building or site, or in a place which represents the location of a historic or otherwise locally important event worthy of such identification or commemoration.
         F.    "Message" means an identification sign which displays a public information such as time, temperature, news (not related to the activities or products on the site) and which may include flashing or moving parts.
         G.    "Name plate" means a sign indicating only the name and address of the person, business, profession or activity occupying the lot, building(s) or part of the operation or maintenance of any equipment which is placed on the building or site.
         H.    "Political" means a temporary sign advocating action on a public issue or promotion of a candidate for public office.
         I.    "Project construction" means a temporary sign identifying the name of a subdivision, building or public works project facility during the time of construction. Such signs may include a description of the project, give an address and telephone number of a contact person for more information, and may list the project's professional firms, such as architects, engineers, developers and contractors.
         J.    "Public regulation and information" means a sign erected by a public authority, utility, public service organization or private industry upon the public right of way intended to control traffic, direct, identify or inform the public or provide needed public service as determined by the ordinances of the City or public policy.
         K.    "Real estate" means a sign which directs attention to the promotion, development, rental, sale or lease of the property on which the sign is located.
         L.    "Rental of rooms" means a sign indicating that a room for boarders or transients is available for rent.
         M.    "Temporary" means a sign of any type, other than project construction, real estate or political, constructed of cloth, paper, wood or fabric of any kind with or without a frame, intended to announce special events, promotions, or sales for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) days. The term "temporary sign" shall also be interpreted to include sandwich board signs, which consist of two hinged boards designed for hanging from the shoulders of a man or woman with one board before and one board behind or two hinged boards free standing with one board before and one board behind. Sandwich board signs are subject to the rules, regulations, and permit fees established by the City of Wickliffe Building Department.
         N.    "Portable" means any sign which is manifestly designed to be transported, including by trailer on its own wheels, even though the wheels of such sign may be removed and the remaining chassis or support constructed without wheels is converted to an A or T frame sign, or attached temporarily or permanently to the ground since this characteristic is based on the design of such a sign.
      (4)    General definitions.
         A.    "Building frontage" means the length of the building or unit of the building which faces the principal street or the length of the wall of the building or unit which contains the main entrance to the uses there.
         B.    "Building unit" means that portion of the building which is owned or leased by a single occupant. The length of the unit is that portion of the building so occupied by a single activity and calculated proportionally in the same manner as the building frontage.
   (b)    Determining Maximum Areas.
      (1)   The maximum area for identification signs in residential, business and industrial districts as specified in Section 1161.04(b)(1), (c)(1) and (d)(l) shall include the sum of the areas of:
         A.    Directional signs;
         B.    Emblems;
         C.    Identification signs, whether wall, pole, ground, pylon, window, integral, projecting or marquee/canopy;
         D.    Instructional signs;
         E.    Nameplates; and
         F.    Window signs.
      (2)    When complying with the provisions of this section, signs listed in subsection (b)(1) hereof shall be exempt from being included in the maximum allowable area for identification signs.
         A.    Directional signs which have an area less than four square feet per sign face; and
         B.    Emblems which are clearly decorative and determined by the Building Commissioner to be an integral part and customarily associated with the building use or activity; and
         C.    Instructional signs which are clearly intended for instructional purposes and, as determined by the Building Commissioner, are not larger than necessary to serve the intended instructional purpose nor are in locations or possess design characteristics which constitute or serve the purpose of an identification sign; and
         D.    Nameplates when they are separated from identification signs, are located near the main entrance, are wall or window signs, and only contain the street number and name of the establishment; and
         E.    Window signs which occupy less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the window area.
      (3)    Signs listed herein are exempt from the maximum area limitations for identification signs unless otherwise regulated in this chapter:
         A.    Development identification signs;
         B.    Historic or commemorative markings;
         C.    Project construction signs;
         D.    Public regulation and information;
         E.    Real estate signs; and
         F.    Rental of room signs.
            (Ord. 2019-03. Passed 1-14-19.)