General Provisions
152.01 Definitions
152.02 City local register of historic properties
152.03 Modification of building code to aid preservation
152.04 Governing body’s power
Nomination, Determination of Historic Structures
152.15 Criteria for local designation for individual properties, buildings, and structures
152.16 Notification; nomination of individual structures to the local register
152.17 Notification; determination on nomination of individual structures
152.18 Appeal
152.19 Action by Common Council on nomination of individual structures
152.20 Notification of designation
152.21 Consideration in assessment
Moving, Demolition, and Reconstruction of Historic Structures
152.35 Demolition and house moving of individually listed local register properties
152.36 Moving structures to a local, individually designated property
152.37 Alteration or exterior remodel of individual local register properties, buildings, or structures
152.38 Compliance with chapter required
152.39 Certificate of appropriateness required for exterior alterations in historic districts
152.40 Certificate of appropriateness issued in cases of extreme hardship
152.41 Appeal to circuit court
152.42 Ordinary maintenance and repairs
152.43 Conformity with the approvals given
152.99 Penalty