(a)    The City Auditor shall be an elector of the City, and shall be elected for a term of four years commencing on the first day of January following the election. The City Auditor shall be the City's chief fiscal and accounting officer. The City Auditor shall not hold any other elective or appointive public office or other full-time employment, public or private, except that of notary public or member of the National Guard or Reserve Forces of the United States, member of any political party or committee thereof, or delegate to any state or national political party convention, and shall not be interested in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work or service for the City, other than their compensation as City Auditor. The City Auditor shall remain a qualified elector and resident of the City throughout their term of office and possess the following:
   •    Have a bachelor's degree in accounting or finance from a post-secondary educational institution accredited by a recognized accrediting agency or entity and,
   •    Have a bachelor's degree in a field other than accounting or fmance from a post-secondary educational institution accredited by a recognized accrediting agency or entity and three (3) years of experience in accounting, auditing, budgeting, or financial management, in one or more positions in government, primary or secondary schools, or higher education; or, at least a supervisory level position in the private sector involving accounting, auditing, budgeting, or financial management; or,
   •    Have an associate's degree in accounting or finance from a post-secondary educational institution accredited by a recognized accrediting agency or entity and five (5) years of experience in accounting, auditing, budgeting, or financial management, in one or more positions in government, primary or secondary schools, or higher education; or, at least a supervisory level position in the private sector involving accounting, auditing, budgeting, or financial management; or,
   •    Have at least ten (10) years of experience in accounting, auditing, budgeting, or financial management, in one or more positions in government, primary or secondary schools, or higher education; or, at least a supervisory level position in the private sector involving accounting, auditing, budgeting, or financial management; or,
   •    Is a certified public accountant; or
   •    Hold a certificate as a qualified government finance officer or comparable title issued by a recognized, reputable, national or state certifying organization.
   (b)   No person may occupy the office of City Auditor for more than three (3) consecutive terms of four years. A former City Auditor may seek election or appointment to the office only after the expiration of the full term next following their departure from the former position for which the disqualification set forth by this subsection shall apply.
(Amended 11-2-93; 11-5-13; 11-6-18; 11-7-23.)