   A licensee is responsible for the conduct of his or her place of business and the conditions of order in it. The act of an employee of the licensed premises is deemed the act of the licensee as well, and the licensee is responsible for all penalties provided by this chapter equally with the employee.
   License renewals are issued in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as a new license application.
   (A)   Renewal date. Licensees must submit their applications for renewal of their licenses at least 60 days prior to their expiration. Failure to submit a renewal application by the expiration date means there is no guarantee of the license being renewed. Thirty days after its expiration, the license will be considered terminated.
   (B)   Exception. The renewal date application deadline does not apply to licenses issued for work performed in or on city streets or sidewalks pursuant to a contract with the city or contractors who do not perform work continuously in the city, who need only obtain a license prior to commencing any work.
   (C)   If a timely submission of a renewal application is made by an applicant in good standing, but the City Council does not act upon the application prior to December 31, then upon written authorization by the city, the applicant may continue to operate until the City Council considers the renewal application.
(2001 Code, § 1005.09) (Ord. 17-10, passed 7-24-2017)
   The City Council may not issue a license to an applicant, if the applicant:
   (A)   Is a minor at the time the application is filed;
   (B)   Has been convicted of a felony, gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor punishable by jail, the crime is directly related to the license sought and the applicant has not shown by competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties of the business; or
   (C)   Is not a citizen of the United States or a resident alien of the United States.
(2001 Code, § 1005.11)
§ 110.07 LICENSE TERM.
   (A)   Except as stated in division (B) below, the term of the license year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 or for the period of time for which the applicant applied, whichever is shorter.
   (B)   The term of the license year for rental licenses is stated in § 150.037.
   (C)   The term of a license for dogs and cats shall be for the lifetime of the animal, with the exception of dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs, which shall have the license term stated in division (A) above.
(2001 Code, § 1005.13) (Ord. 19-11, passed 7-8-2019)
   (A)   Personal business license. Where the license is a personal business license and the licensed activity is conducted at various locations or establishments, the licensee must carry the license on the licensee’s person at all times when engaged in the activity for which the city granted the license.
   (B)   Business license. Where the licensed activity is conducted at fixed places of business or establishments, the certificate must be exhibited at all times in a conspicuous place on the premises. The license must be posted in a conspicuous place at or near the entrance to the business so that it may be easily read at any time.
   (C)   License display requests. The licensee must present the license certificate upon demand of any police officer, authorized representative of the city or resident.
(2001 Code, § 1005.15)
   Unless otherwise authorized by this code, the license issued is only effective for the compact and contiguous space specified in the approved license application.
(2001 Code, § 1005.17)
   A license holder shall not transfer a license to another person or entity. A licensee may not transfer a license to a new location without the prior authorization of the Council. A pre-license inspection may be required prior to the transfer to a new location.
(2001 Code, § 1005.19) (Ord. 17-10, passed 7-24-2017)
   (A)   An applicant or license holder must permit Health Officials, representatives of the Police Department, Fire Department, licensing staff and Building Department to inspect the licensed premises of a business for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the law, at any time it is open and occupied for business.
   (B)   For certain businesses, a pre-license inspection may be required, in which case, the appropriate city official will make arrangements for an inspection.
   (C)   Pre-license inspections are required for the following licenses:
      (1)   Sexually oriented businesses;
      (2)   Dangerous dogs;
      (3)   Intoxicating liquor;
      (4)   Massage therapy business; and
      (5)   Special animal permits (see § 90.04(B)).
(2001 Code, § 1005.23) (Ord. 11-44, passed - -)