(A)   The Street Commissioner shall possess such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed for such office by state law, this code, and other ordinances of the city. Subject to the supervision and control of the Common Council, the Street Commissioner shall manage and have charge of the construction, improvement, repair, maintenance, lighting, sprinkling, cleaning, and operation of streets, sidewalks, alleys, lanes, bridges, viaducts, and other public ways, drains, ditches, culverts, streams and all public places and grounds belonging to the city or dedicated to public use, except parks and playgrounds, and buildings occupied by other departments of the city, and except for services furnished by the State Road Commission.
   (B)   The Street Commissioner shall be head of the Street Department, and shall have control of the employees of the Department and approve their employment by the city.
   (C)   The Street Commissioner shall be charged with the preservation of papers, plans, tools, appliances, and mechanical equipment pertaining to the Street Department. He or she shall make inventory of all personal property provided by the city for the use of his or her Department when his or her term of office commences and shall file a copy thereof with the City Clerk and shall make and file a similar inventory at the conclusion of his or her term of office.
   (D)   The Street Commissioner shall be charged with the enforcement of all the obligations of privately owned or operated public utilities enforceable by the city and make complaint to the appropriate court for violation by such utilities.
   (E)   The Street Commissioner shall perform such other and related duties as may from time to time be required of him or her by the Common Council.
(Prior Code, § 2-46)
Charter reference:
   Election and term of office, see Charter §§ 8 and 47
   Ineligibility or failure to qualify, see Charter § 18
   Oath of office, see Charter § 17
   Qualifications of Street Commissioner, see Charter § 6