§ 111.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provisions of this chapter for which no other penalty is provided shall be subject to the provisions of § 10.99.
   (B)   Any person who violates any provision of §§ 111.15 to 111.17 or who makes any false statement concerning any material fact in submitting application for license or for a renewal of a license or in any hearing concerning the revocation thereof, or who commits any of the acts herein declared to be unlawful, shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $500, or other amount deemed appropriate by the Municipal Court, or imprisoned in the county jail for 30 days, or by both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.
(Prior Code, § 3-6)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see W. Va. Code 60-6-8