(A)   (1)   Any dog found running at large in the city may be seized. The owner or keeper of any dog may retrieve such dog upon paying all of the costs, fines, and fees imposed for a violation of this subchapter, or by posting proper bond pending trial for a charge of a violation of this subchapter, in an amount sufficient to cover the fine and the appropriate impound fees charged, including any necessary veterinary fees and court costs.
      (2)   If not paid, such dog may be sold, and any costs, fines, or fees imposed, if any, shall be deducted from the proceeds of the sale, and any residue of the sale shall be payable to the owner of the dog.
      (3)   If such dog is not sold, it may be placed for adoption. If such dog is not placed for adoption, it may be properly euthanized and its body disposed of by the city without liability to the owner.
   (B)   If a trial is requested, bond shall be re-posted every 30 days to cover the cost of caring for the animal that is being held by the city.
   (C)   Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, no dog impounded pursuant to this subchapter shall be released to its owner or keeper without proof of a current license and rabies vaccination.
   (D)   The owner of any impounded dog shall pay a fee as described further in § 90.99(G). Such fees shall be paid into the City Clerk and deposited and set aside in a dog and kennel fund.
(Ord. passed 11-2-2020)