Yard Sales
737.01   Purpose.
737.02   Citywide yard sale.
737.03   Merchandise; signs.
737.04   Regulations.
737.05   Defined.
737.06   Permit required.
737.99   Penalty.
Peddlers and solicitors - see BUS. REG. Ch. 725
737.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is to authorize frequency, length and hours as well as definition and rules pertaining to yard sales.
(Ord. 24-2011. Passed 5-13-11.)
   The Mayor shall at his discretion, establish two concurrent days per year, which shall be designated as a Citywide yard sale. On these days, anyone may display goods for sale outside their residence or place of business, without impeding the street or sidewalk traffic. The yard sale shall begin at 9:00am and may last until dusk. No permit for this sale shall be necessary.
(Ord. 24- 2011. Passed 5-13-11.)
   (a)   Merchandise offered for sale shall only consist of used, unwanted items of personal property owned by the persons conducting the sale. No merchandise purchased for resale or any new merchandise offered for sale shall be prima-facie evidence of an illegal sale.
   (b)   Signs advertising such sales must not exceed four feet in area and cannot be lighted signs. Signs placed in other locations than the owner of the property of the sale location must provide written permission to have sale signs placed on property other than the sale location. The signs must be removed within 24 hours after the end of the sale.
(Ord. 24-2011. Passed 5-13-11.)
   No home yard sale shall be conducted by the same person or persons, group, club or organization, or at the same location, more than four times in a twelve month period. No home yard sale shall be conducted for more than three consecutive days. Sales shall not commence before sunrise and must be terminated by sunset.
(Ord. 24-2011. Passed 5-13-11.)
737.05 DEFINED.
   "Yard sale" means a sale of personal property to the general public from any portion of a residence property within the city including, but not limited to, garage sales, yard sales, patio sales, basement sales, porch sales and the like.
(Ord. 24-2011. Passed 5-13-11.)