1107.01 Rules of construction.
1107.02 Abandonment.
1107.03 Accessory building or use.
1107.04 Automobile service station.
1107.05 Basement.
1107.06 Billboard.
1107.07 Block.
1107.08 Buildable area.
1107.09 Building.
1107.10 Building, detached.
1107.11 Building height.
1107.12 Building, principal.
1107.13 Building setback line.
1107.14 Bulk.
1107.15 Cellar.
1107.16 Clinic or medical health center.
1107.17 Club or lodge, private.
1107.18 Curb level.
1107.19 Day nursery.
1107.20 Decibel.
1107.21 Dwelling.
1107.22 Dwelling unit.
1107.23 Dwelling, attached.
1107.24 Dwelling, detached.
1107.25 Dwelling, one-family.
1107.26 Dwelling, two-family.
1107.27 Dwelling, multiple family.
1107.28 Dwelling, row.
1107.29 Dwelling group.
1107.30 Educational institution.
1107.31 Family.
1107.32 Floor area, gross.
1107.33 Floor area ratio.
1107.34 Frequency.
1107.35 Grade, street.
1107.36 Home occupation.
1107.37 Hospital or sanitarium.
1107.38 Hotel, motel, inn or auto court.
1107.39 Junk yard.
1107.40 Kennel.
1107.41 Lodging or rooming house.
1107.42 Lot.
1107.43 Lot of record.
1107.44 Lot area.
1107.45 Lot, corner.
1107.46 Lot coverage.
1107.47 Lot depth.
1107.48 Lot frontage.
1107.49 Lot line.
1107.50 Lot, interior.
1107.51 Lot line, front.
1107.52 Lot line, interior.
1107.53 Lot line, rear.
1107.54 Lot line, side.
1107.55 Lot, reversed corner.
1107.56 Lot, through.
1107.57 Lot width.
1107.58 Marquee or canopy.
1107.59 Nameplate.
1107.60 Nonconforming building.
1107.61 Nonconforming use.
1107.62 Noxious matter.
1107.63 Nursing home or rest home.
1107.64 Octave band.
1107.65 Octave band filter.
1107.66 Particulate matter.
1107.67 Performance standard.
1107.68 Planned development.
1107.69 Principal use.
1107.70 Public open space.
1107.71 Public utility.
1107.72 Railroad right of way.
1107.73 Restaurant.
1107.74 Retirement Community District.
1107.75 Ringelmann Chart.
1107.76 Ringelmann number.
1107.77 Sign.
1107.78 Sign, advertising.
1107.79 Sign, business.
1107.80 Sign, church bulletin board.
1107.81 Sign, flashing.
1107.82 Sign, gross surface area.
1107.83 Sign, identification.
1107.84 Smoke units.
1107.85 Sound level meter.
1107.86 Story.
1107.87 Story, half.
1107.88 Stacking requirements.
1107.89 Street.
1107.90 Street line.
1107.91 Structure.
1107.92 Toxic materials.
1107.93 Trailer.
1107.94 Trailer or mobile home camp or park.
1107.95 Trailer, house, or mobile home.
1107.96 Use.
1107.97 Yard.
1107.98 Yard, front.
1107.99 Yard, rear.
1107.100 Yard, side.
1107.101 Zoning Board.
1107.102 Zoning lot.
1107.103 Zoning Map.
1107.104 Zoning Ordinance.
Zoning Administrator designated - see P. & Z. 1109.01