§ 29-3-2 RIGHT OF ENTRY.
   (A)   Authorization. The Building Inspector/Code Administrator is authorized to enter the structure or premises at reasonable times to inspect subject to constitutional restrictions on unreasonable searches and seizures. Where no consent to enter or inspect any property has been given by the owner, occupant, or other person in charge of a structure subject to the provisions of this code, no entry or inspection shall be made without procurement of a warrant from the Circuit Court of Monroe County. The Court may consider any of the following factors along with such other matters as it deems pertinent in its decision as to whether a warrant shall issue:
      (1)   Eye witness account of violation.
      (2)   Citizen's complaint.
      (3)   Tenant complaint.
   (B)   Credentials. The Building Inspector/Code Administrator or the Building Inspector/Code Administrator's authorized representative shall disclose proper credentials of their respective office for the purpose of inspecting any and all buildings and premises in the performance of duties under this code.
(Ord. 1492, passed 9-15-2008; Am. Ord. 1889, passed 4-1-2024)