(A)   The following standing committees of the City Council are hereby established, to-wit:
      (1)   Electric system
      (2)   Finance
      (3)   Streets
      (4)   Health
      (5)   Water and Sewer Systems
      (6)   Fire Department
      (7)   Gas Department
      (8)   Park
      (9)   Planning
      (10)   Utility Service Disconnections
      (11)   Economic Development
      (12)   Insurance
      (13)   Police
      (14)   Building/Office
      (15)   Ordinance
      (16)   Labor Relations
   (B)   The committees shall be appointed annually by the Mayor.
   (C)   The Mayor shall be ex officio member of each and every standing committee.
   (D)   So far as practicable, the reports of committees shall be in writing.
   (E)   Upon the request of any two Aldermen present, any report of a committee of the City Council shall be deferred for final action to the next regular meeting of the City Council after the report is made.
(ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 3.1-40-35)
   (F)   Each standing committee of the City Council shall monitor and review the activities within the scope of the committee purpose and shall, from time to time, report the same to the Mayor and City Council so that a full understanding thereof may be had and shall make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council with respect to funding, policy and legislation relating to the activity for which the committee is established.
   (G)   All committee meetings are subject to the Open Meetings Act requirements and minutes shall be taken.
(1993 Code, § 1-2-5) (Am. Ord. 1188, passed 5-21-2001)
Statutory reference:
   See similar provisions, ILCS Ch. 5, Act 120, § 1.02; ILCS Ch. 5, Act 120, § 2.06 et seq.