The special provisions of this chapter are intended to regulate the location of vehicles parked on residential properties. It is the desire of the city of Waterloo to encourage an aesthetically pleasing local environment. It is also the intent of the city of Waterloo to avoid the obstruction of public streets and sidewalks, improve traffic visibility and maintain the visual harmony and character appropriate in residential neighborhoods within the city. The objectives to be attained through this chapter include preserving and improving the peace, safety, health, welfare, comfort and convenience of the citizens of the city of Waterloo, minimizing the adverse visual effects of parking on residential property, and allowing for the reasonable use of driveways in the front yard for parking. (Ord. 5398, 4-24-2017)
For purposes of this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:
DRIVEWAY: That portion of private property, paved or unpaved, that provides vehicular access to a property from the public right of way or between private properties, and where said driveway is specifically designated for or commonly utilized as an accessway by vehicles to parking lots, parking areas, garages, storage facilities, etc. Driveways serving residential uses may extend along the side or rear of the dwelling and in some cases, may terminate in a designated parking lot, parking area, garage, or storage facility in the side or rear yard area. A private driveway begins at the property line and extends into or across the site.
A driveway may extend into or across the front yard area of a residential property. The driveway may terminate in the front yard area of a dwelling provided that the termination area is a garage or carport or a parking area authorized by this chapter. The parking area shall be included in the hard surface area, conforming to subsection 6-7-3A2 of this chapter regulating the area of a hard surface driveway and parking area permitted in the front yard. No portion of a driveway situated in the front yard of a residential property may be extended beyond the width of the garage(s) that the driveway serves or, if there is not a garage (attached or detached) that is served by the driveway or if the garage is a detached structure in the rear yard, the width of the driveway at the street right of way (property line) unless said extension meets the requirements of a driveway extension. In all cases, the driveway must be at least the same width dimension as the outside width dimension of a vehicle which it serves. This restriction shall not prohibit the construction of a parking area for multi-family residential uses in a front yard if otherwise allowed by the zoning ordinance.
DRIVEWAY EXTENSION: For a one- or two-family residential property, any extension to the driveway situated in the front yard beyond the width of the garage(s) that the driveway serves or, if there is not a garage (attached or detached) that is served by the driveway or if the garage is a detached structure in the rear yard, beyond the width of the driveway at the street right of way (property line).
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE: Any vehicle whose primary purpose is recreation/entertainment and not a primary means of transportation. These include, but are not limited to, boats, trailers, campers, and motor homes.
VEHICLE: Any device in, upon or by which a person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway or street, excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, and shall include, without limitation, a motor vehicle, automobile, truck, trailer, motorcycle, tractor, buggy, wagon, farm machinery or any combination thereof.
YARD, FRONT: A yard extending across the full width of the lot and measured between the front lot line and the foundation of a principal building or any projection thereof, other than the projection of the usual steps, overhanging balconies, other ordinary projections, or unenclosed porches or decks. On corner lots, the front yard shall include that portion of the lot between the principal structure and the street right of way on both street sides of the lot.
YARD, REAR: A yard extending across the full width of lot and measured between the rear lot line and the foundation of a principal building or any projections thereof, other than the projection of the usual steps, overhanging balconies, other ordinary projections, or unenclosed porches or decks. On corner lots the rear yard is the opposite end of lot from the front yard where the house is addressed and faces.
YARD, SIDE: A yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard and measured between the side lot lines and the foundation of a principal building or any projection thereof, other than the projection of the usual steps, overhanging balconies, or other ordinary projections. (Ord. 5398, 4-24-2017)