6-3-1: Purpose
6-3-2: Definitions
6-3-3: Location Of Operation
6-3-4: Operating Rules And Regulations
6-3-5: Violation; Penalty
6-3-1: PURPOSE:
The purpose of this chapter is to provide rules and regulations for the maintenance and operation of snowmobiles and to establish areas where snowmobiles may be used for the safety and general welfare in the city. (Ord. 2846, 10-4-1976)
For use within this chapter, the following term is defined:
SNOWMOBILE: Any self-propelled vehicle weighing less than one thousand (1,000) pounds which is equipped with sled type runners or skis and endless belt type tread, or a combination thereof, and is designed for travel upon snow, land or ice. (Ord. 2846, 10-4-1976)
Operators of snowmobiles shall observe the following limitations as to where snowmobiles may be operated. Motor-driven snowmobiles shall be prohibited from all streets within the corporate limits of the city, except those streets enumerated below; and snowmobile travel on those streets shall be strictly limited to ingress and egress to and from food, parking, fuel and restroom facilities within the city:
Route 1:
   Greyhound Drive   Both ditches from Highway 63 to north entrance of Waterloo Greyhound Park
   Highway 63   Both ditches from south city limits to Ridgeway Avenue
   Marnie Drive   Both ditches from Highway 63 to end of street
Route 2:
   Elk Run Road   Both ditches from Donald Street to Independence Avenue
Route 3:
   Airline Highway   South ditch from Highway 63 approximately four (4) blocks west
   Crossing of Highway 63   North at Airline Highway
Route 4:
   Highway 218   Both ditches from east city limits to Marigold Drive
Route 5:
   Broadway Street   South ditch from entrance to George Wyth State Park to Cedar Bend Street
   Cedar Bend Street   West ditch from Broadway Street to Woodmayr Drive
   Wagner Road   Both ditches from north city limits to Broadway Street
(Ord. 4141, 12-11-1995)
The following rules and regulations shall be observed by operators of snowmobiles 1 :
   A.   All snowmobiles shall be registered and equipped in accordance with state laws.
   B.   A person shall not operate a snowmobile on any public road or street without a bright colored pennant or flag displayed at least sixty inches (60") above the ground. Said pennant or flag shall be a minimum of six inches by nine inches (6" x 9"), shall be orange and shall provide a fluorescent effect.
   C.   The headlight and taillight of a snowmobile shall be lighted during operation at any time from sunset to sunrise, and at such other times when conditions such as fog, snow, sleet or rain provide insufficient lighting to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles at a distance of five hundred feet (500') ahead. (Ord. 4141, 12-11-1995)
   D.   A snowmobile shall not be operated on or across a public street or on public land by a person under eighteen (18) years of age who does not have in the person's possession a safety certificate issued to the person by the state of Iowa. A person twelve (12) to fifteen (15) years of age and possessing a valid safety certificate must be under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or another adult authorized by the parent or guardian, who is experienced in snowmobile operation, and who possesses a valid motor vehicle license or a safety certificate issued by the state of Iowa. A person under twelve (12) years of age shall not operate a snowmobile unless accompanied on the same snowmobile by a responsible person at least eighteen (18) years of age who is experienced in snowmobile operation and who possesses a valid motor vehicle license or safety certificate. These restrictions shall not apply on private land. (Ord. 4550, 5-13-2002)
   E.   A person shall not drive or operate a snowmobile at a rate of speed greater than the posted speed limit, or at a rate of speed greater than reasonable or proper under all existing circumstances.
   F.   Snowmobile operators shall be required to observe all traffic control devices.
   G.   No snowmobile shall be operated within the city limits between the hours of eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. and eight o'clock (8:00) A.M.
   H.   A snowmobile may make a direct crossing of a street or highway provided:
      1.   The crossing is made at an angle of approximately ninety degrees (90°) to the direction of the highway and at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and safe crossing; and
      2.   The snowmobile is brought to a complete stop before crossing the shoulder or main traveled way of the highway; and
      3.   The driver yields the right of way to all oncoming traffic which constitutes an immediate hazard; and
      4.   In crossing a divided highway, the crossing is made only at an intersection of such highway with another public street or highway.
   I.   A snowmobile may be operated on the roadway or shoulder when necessary to cross a bridge or culvert, or avoid an obstruction which makes it impossible to travel on the portion of the highway not intended for motor vehicles, if the snowmobile is brought to a complete stop before entering onto the roadway or shoulder and the driver yields the right of way to any approaching vehicle on the roadway.
   J.   A person shall not drive or operate a snowmobile while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotics or habit forming drugs.
   K.   Snowmobiles shall be operated in a safe, reasonable and proper manner under all existing circumstances.
   L.   No snowmobile shall be operated on private property without the express consent of the owner.
   M.   It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator to leave or allow a snowmobile to be or remain unattended on public property while the motor is running or with keys for starting the vehicle left in the ignition.
   N.   During publicized thaw ban, snowmobiles shall be prohibited from use when posted. (Ord. 4141, 12-11-1995)



1. Iowa Code § 321G.1 et seq.