CONVENIENCE STORE OR BUSINESS: Any business which sells consumer goods, including, but not limited to, alcoholic beverages to be consumed off premises, soft drinks, cigarettes and packaged food, or petroleum products, and which routinely remains open for business twenty four (24) hours per day or any portion of that time between the hours of six o'clock (6:00) P.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M., and which usually has on duty two (2) or less employees during the hours between six o'clock (6:00) P.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M.
SURVEILLANCE CAMERA: A video tape camera or similar video recording device. (Ord. 3986, 11-15-1993)
A. Requirements:
1. Effective January 1, 1994, every convenience store/business shall be equipped with a functioning surveillance camera. Said camera shall be in operation during all hours between six o'clock (6:00) P.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. while said business is open to the public.
2. Any convenience store or business that has purchased and installed a surveillance camera of any kind during the six (6) months prior to October 1, 1993, shall not be required to upgrade the equipment in question to comply with this chapter until January 1, 1996.
B. Specifications: At a minimum, all surveillance cameras shall meet the following specifications:
1. The surveillance camera shall be capable of recording color images and be positioned without obstruction so as to film all persons entering and departing the convenience store/business and all persons approaching within five feet (5') of each cash register.
2. All surveillance cameras shall be installed by a competent technician who has been trained to properly install said surveillance cameras.
3. It shall be the sole responsibility of the owner of the convenience store or business to monitor the surveillance camera for its effectiveness and proper functioning. Said proper functioning shall include, but not be limited to, the pictures depicted from said surveillance camera providing sufficient clarity to enable reasonable identification of the person or persons filmed. A record of all inspections and monitoring of the surveillance cameras shall be kept and available at all times on the premises and upon demand by the chief of police or his designee.
4. Said film used in the surveillance camera shall be color film of good quality and which is not reused more than ten (10) times or which shall be replaced every thirty (30) days, whichever need occurs first. The purpose of said requirement is to ascertain that the color film produces sufficient clarity to enable reasonable identification of the person or persons entering and departing the convenience store/business. Said color film shall depict the time of the photographing. (Ord. 3986, 11-15-1993)
Every convenience store/business shall keep and maintain a clear line of vision from the outside of the premises into the interior of said premises. In furtherance of this requirement, windows and door glasses shall not be obstructed with signs or otherwise to the point that said visibility is substantially impaired. (Ord. 3986, 11-15-1993)
The surveillance camera or cameras shall be subject to inspection by the chief of police or his designee. Upon request, the convenience store/business owner or employee on duty must immediately furnish to the chief of police or his designee an inspection report, by a qualified technician, in a form specified by the chief of police, certifying that the devices have been inspected and are in working order. (Ord. 3986, 11-15-1993)
A. A convenience store/business which is required to install a surveillance camera by this chapter may apply to the police chief for exemption from said chapter. The chief of police may exempt a convenience store/business if he finds that the convenience store/business has undertaken alternate security measures which are substantially equal to or more effective in preventing criminal activity and in assisting in the apprehension of the perpetrators of a crime at said convenience store/business or for the protection of employees, all to the satisfaction of said chief of police. The chief of police may authorize temporary extensions of the installation deadline provided herein when a business demonstrates to his satisfaction that it is temporarily unable to comply for good cause shown.
B. Any party aggrieved by the decision of the police chief or his designee in regard to matters covered by subsection A of this section, may appeal said decision to the city council. Said appeal must be taken within fourteen (14) days of the decision in question. (Ord. 3986, 11-15-1993)