5-1-1: Animals At Large
5-1-2: Swine Prohibited; Exceptions
5-1-3: Use Of Tranquilizer Guns And Drugs
5-1-4: Disposal Of Dead Animals
5-1-4A: Landlord Liability
5-1-5: Trapping Restrictions
5-1-6: Cruelty To Animals
5-1-7: Use Of Animals Restricted
5-1-8: Sanitary Conditions Maintained
5-1-9: Sheltering Animals
5-1-10: Animals Biting Persons
5-1-11: Noisy Or Annoying Animals
5-1-12: Chronic Violators
5-1-13: Administrative Procedures
5-1-14: Enforcement
5-1-15: Definitions
   A.   Prohibited: No cattle, horses, mules, swine, sheep, goats, or any geese, ducks, turkeys, chickens or other animal or fowl (hereinafter referred to as animal) shall be allowed to run at large within the city, nor shall any animal be permitted to be staked or tied out to graze on or in front of any person's premises, without the consent of such person, nor shall any animal be permitted to be staked or tied out to graze in public streets, alleys or avenues of the city.
   B.   Violation: Any animal found in violation of the provisions of any of the subsections of this section by a sanitary inspector, animal control officer or any police officer of the city, or any other person, may be apprehended and impounded with the city, or an alternate pound or shelter designated by the city. It shall be unlawful for any person employed by the city, or any person employed by or connected with the animal pound or shelter or any society or organization operating or maintaining such pound or shelter under lease or contract with the city, to sell, give away or dispose of, through any pretext or by any device or means whatsoever, any animal impounded in such pound or shelter to any person, organization or research facility for the purpose of using such animal as food, unless such animal is of a type that is customarily used for food, or for the purpose of medical experimentation unless the research facility, person or organization desiring such animal for medical experimentation is duly approved and authorized by the state to conduct such experimentation, or for any other purpose except for pets and related activities.
   C.   Harboring: The harboring of any animal requires that the following guidelines be followed:
      1.   All such species must be restrained upon the owner's property and penned (housed or stabled) in such a manner that the animals will not place any person in fear of attack.
      2.   All animals that are included in this section shall be required to have adequate space as so designated by the zoning ordinance according to the size and needs of the various animals, and each animal shall be so restrained in an area to allow proper exercise for the particular species involved.
      3.   When the owner restrains (harbors) any animal in an area not adjoining the owner's residence, the owner shall post his name, address and phone number at the place where the animal is being restrained (harbored).
   D.   Registration: Any wild, nondomestic animals, reptiles or birds, in captivity in the metropolitan area of the city, except such animals that are within the city for the purposes of display by a show, act, carnival, zoo, circus or promotional agency, which are known to be dangerous, poisonous, vicious or ferocious, shall be registered with the following agencies of the city: the animal control officer, the police department and the Humane Society. If such animals are in the metropolitan area as part of a show, act, carnival, zoo, circus or promotional agency, then such group shall show adequate and ample restraints placed upon the animals as to protect the health and safety of the exposed public.
If such animal becomes at large within the city and poses a threat to the public, it shall be assumed that the owner has given consent to eliminate the animal with the cost to be borne by the owner. The mayor, the animal control officer or any police officer may order the elimination of such animal.
   E.   Fees And Charges: The owner or caretaker of an animal of any type that is restrained or impounded in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be liable to pay all costs of impoundment to the Humane Society. The costs of impoundment shall include all feed and boarding fees, tattoo or microchip implant fees, testing fees for rabies or other communicable diseases, fees for sedation and special handling, and charges for reasonable medical services, equipment or supplies. In addition, the owner or caretaker shall pay to the Humane Society a redemption fee according to the Humane Society's fee schedule then in effect. When a dog or cat is returned to the owner or caretaker by animal control, the owner or caretaker shall pay a pick up fee in an amount determined from time to time by resolution of the city council. All fees or charges of any type or nature shall be paid in full at the time the animal is redeemed from the Humane Society or taken home by animal control. (Ord. 5204, 3-10-2014; amd. Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)
   A.   No person shall keep or harbor any pigs or have any pigpens or pigsties within the city, except as follows:
      1.   Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the harboring and keeping of pigs and use of pig pens and sties in connection with a general farming operation on tracts of farmland of the size of forty (40) acres or greater.
      2.   Nothing herein contained shall prevent the keeping of pigs and use of pig pens and sties within the confines of any meatpacking plant where such pigs have been brought for butchering and processing.
      3.   Nothing herein contained shall prevent the keeping of pigs which are housed at the Sunrise Exchange Club Petting Zoo.
   B.   The provisions of this section shall be subject to the provisions of this code and other ordinances of the city relating to nuisances. (Ord. 5204, 3-10-2014; amd. Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)
   A.   The animal control officer, his agents or any police official shall be able to use a tranquilizer gun or any other drug to bring an animal at large under control.
   B.   In order to use a tranquilizer gun or other drugs, the animal must be at large and pose a threat or danger to the general public or to the city officer trying to bring the animal under control.
   C.   If it becomes necessary for the animal control department or the police department to use a tranquilizer gun or other drugs to bring an animal at large under control, the city shall not be held responsible for any damage done to the animal by the use of the tranquilizer gun or other drugs.
   D.   The owner of the animal that needs sedation to bring it under control shall pay for costs of the sedation and for the care and feeding while the animal is under control of the city or the Humane Society. (Ord. 5204, 3-10-2014; amd. Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)
A person caring for or owning any animal that has died shall not allow the carcass to remain about his or her premises. Such carcass shall be disposed of within twenty four (24) hours after death. Animal control shall charge a pick up fee in an amount determined from time to time by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 5204, 3-10-2014; amd. Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)