No person shall set or use any steel, claw, leghold, conibear, snare or box trap outside of any structure or building for the purpose of taking, killing, maiming, wounding, ensnaring or capturing an animal or which is injurious to persons or animals, except for the following:
A. Any trapping by a governmental unit to capture animals which are creating a public nuisance or for the protection of public or property;
B. Licensed pest and rodent control persons in protection of private property;
C. During the season allowed by the state conservation commission for taking of furbearing animals on parcels of land privately owned of forty (40) acres or more, or public land controlled by a governmental agency issuing such rights to trapping;
D. Wire cage box traps may be used to remove nuisance pests from private property; said traps must be checked every thirty (30) minutes.
E. Traps may be rented from animal control for a five (5) day period to remove nuisance pests, however, the trapper is required to transport dogs and/or cats to the Humane Society. The rental fee shall be an amount determined from time to time by resolution of the city council. Wildlife shall be transported, by the trapper, and released unharmed to an area outside Waterloo city limits .
F. A private property owner on his private property in order to control small rodents, such as gophers, moles and other similar animals. (Ord. 5204, 3-10-2014; amd. Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)
A. No theatrical exhibit, circus, animal act or show shall be held in which animals or fowl are encouraged or made to perform through the use of chemical, electrical or mechanical means or devices. If any person shall torture, torment, mutilate, cruelly beat or cruelly kill any animal or fowl, or unnecessarily fail to provide the same with adequate feed and water, shelter or protection from the weather, or cruelly abandon the same, or shall commit any other act of omission by which unjustifiable pain, distress, suffering or death is caused or permitted to any animal or fowl, whether the acts or omissions herein contemplated be committed either maliciously, willfully or negligently, and if any person shall knowingly permit such act or omission or shall cause or procure the same to be done, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
B. When the temperature falls below thirty degrees Fahrenheit (30°F), with wind chill factor applied, or when the heat index is at least eighty-five degrees (85°), no animal may be restrained outdoors by tethering for more than fifteen (15) minutes without access to adequate food, adequate water, and an outdoor facility that provides adequate protection from the elements. In any circumstances, a tethered animal must have access to an outdoor facility that provides adequate protection from the elements. (Ord. 5204, 3-10-2014; amd. Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)
A. Artificially Colored Animals; Sale: No chick, duckling, gosling or rabbit that has been dyed or otherwise colored artificially may be sold or offered for sale, raffled, offered or given as a prize, premium or advertising device, or displayed in any store, shop, carnival or other public place.
B. Use As Advertising Devices:
1. Chicks, ducklings and goslings, younger than four (4) weeks of age may not be sold or offered for sale, raffled or offered or given as a prize, premium or advertising device, in quantity of less than twelve (12) birds to an individual person unless sold by a person engaged in the business of selling chicks, ducklings and goslings for agricultural or wildlife purposes.
2. Stores, shops, vendors and others displaying chicks, ducklings or goslings to the public, shall provide and operate brooders or other heating devices that may be necessary to maintain the chicks, ducklings or goslings in good health, and shall keep adequate food and adequate water available to the birds at all times. (Ord. 5204, 3-10-2014; amd. Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)
A. Sanitary Premises: It shall be unlawful for the owner, caretaker or person in charge of any dog, cat, horse or other animal to permit excrement or droppings from any of said animals to collect on the premises of said person causing odor or an unsanitary condition. Each owner, caretaker or person in charge of an animal shall prevent said animal from interfering with any neighboring residents' peaceful and quiet enjoyment of their property.
B. Owner To Clean Up Droppings: It shall be unlawful for any owner, caretaker or person in charge of a dog, cat, horse or other animal to fail to clean up and/or remove as soon as possible any excrement or droppings deposited by said dog, cat, horse or other animal on any real estate, whether privately owned or publicly owned, other than on the premises of the owner, caretaker or person in charge; provided, however, that the foregoing does not apply to excrement or droppings deposited by Waterloo police dogs or horses when police officers are using said dogs or horses for official police duties.
C. Confined Animal Waste Disposal Systems; Exterior Residential Use Only: Anyone who owns or otherwise cares for any animal in a residential zone, as defined in the Waterloo zoning ordinance, and who intends to install a confined waste system shall conform to all of the following requirements:
1. The confined waste system container (hereinafter "container") shall have a maximum volume of two and thirty six hundredths (2.36) cubic feet or seventeen and seventy two hundredths (17.72) gallons.
2. The container shall be placed in an area of the property not normally occupied or used for play or recreation, and the container shall be buried so that the lid remains exposed.
3. The container shall have a waterproof lid that shall remain closed at all times. The lid may be removed only when animal excrement or droppings are deposited or added. The lid shall, thereafter, be immediately replaced.
4. Lime or activated enzymes shall be added periodically to promote the continued decomposition of waste.
5. Enforcement of this subsection shall be by the Black Hawk County health department and/or the animal control officer, as designated by the city council. (Ord. 5204, 3-10-2014; amd. Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)
A. Shelter From Sunlight: When sunlight is likely to cause overheating or discomfort, sufficient shade shall be provided to allow all any animal kept outdoors to protect itself from the direct rays of the sun.
B. Shelter From Rain Or Snow: Any animals kept outdoors shall be provided with access to shelter to allow them to remain dry during rain or snow.
C. Shelter From Cold Weather: Shelter must be provided for all animals kept outdoors when the atmospheric temperature falls below fifty degrees Fahrenheit (50°F). Sufficient clean bedding material or other means of protection from the weather elements shall be provided when the ambient temperature falls below that temperature to which the species is acclimated. Pet carriers, crates and pet taxis are not considered adequate shelter against the cold. (Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)
A. Duty To Report: It shall be the duty of the owner or caretaker of any dog, cat or any other animal which has bitten or attacked a person, or of any person having knowledge of such bite or attack, to report this act to the health department, police department or animal control. It shall be the duty of physicians or veterinarians to report to the health department the existence of any animal known or suspected to be suffering from rabies.
B. Confinement: When a member of the health department, police department, animal control or humane officer receives information that any person has been bitten or attacked by an animal, or that a dog, cat or other animal is suspected of having rabies, the official shall order the owner or caretaker to confine such animal in the manner and place the official directs. If the owner or caretaker fails to confine such animal in the manner directed, the animal shall be apprehended and impounded by such official, and after ten (10) days the animal may be humanely destroyed if it is not redeemed. Before such animal is returned to its owner or caretaker, all fees and charges of impoundment as set forth in subsection 5-1-1E of this chapter must be paid in full. (Ord. 5204, 3-10-2014; amd. Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)
It shall be unlawful for the owner or caretaker of a dog, cat or other animal to permit or allow said dog, cat or other animal to cause serious annoyance or disturbance to a person or persons by frequent and habitual howling, whining, yelping, barking or other vocal emittance to the unreasonable annoyance of others. After the first written warning, residents of at least three (3) neighboring households must sign a citation or a petition. If the party charged pleads not guilty, the signatories will be asked to appear in court to testify. Proof of ownership of a dog, cat or other animal shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption of permission of the owner in any proceedings charging any violation of this subsection. (Ord. 5204, 3-10-2014; amd. Ord. 5684, 1-17-2023)