The city clerk shall report upon any of the matters connected with the office of the city clerk whenever called upon by the city council to do so; keep all returns of assessments, and the election and appointment of city officers, and shall as soon as practicable after each meeting of the city council, prepare minutes of the business transacted and a correct copy of all resolutions and ordinances adopted, and deliver ordinances to the official newspaper for publication, and shall not allow any papers or documents to be taken from the office of the city clerk without the consent of the city council. (Ord. 5641, 5-2-2022)
For attested certificates and transcripts other than those ordered by the city council, the city clerk shall charge the same fees as are allowed to county officers for like services; and shall keep a record of such fees and turn the same into the general fund. (Ord. 5641, 5-2-2022)
For the term commencing January 1, 1956, and for all terms subsequent thereto, the mayor shall appoint the city treasurer, and the appointment shall be subject to approval by the city council. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, the city treasurer shall qualify as provided by law and file in the office of the city clerk a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), with sureties to be approved by the city council. The city council may, by resolution at any time it is deemed necessary, increase or decrease the amount of the city treasurer's bond in such sum as it may specify in the resolution. (Rev. Ord. 1207, Comp. 1941, p. T-9)
A. City Funds: The city treasurer shall:
1. Collection: Collect, receive and safely keep all money due or belonging to the city, and for any sum of money so received, he shall execute duplicate receipts, one of which shall be delivered to the person from whom the funds have been received, and the other transmitted to the city clerk. The city treasurer shall keep true and correct accounts with each fund of all receipts into, and disbursements from, the city treasury.
2. Deposits: Deposit city funds in approved depositories, in conformance with the statutes of the state.
3. Waterworks Funds: Keep all monies deposited with him by the board of waterworks trustees, and all tax money received by him from any source levied and collected for and on account of the waterworks, in a separate and distinct fund, and such monies shall be paid out by him only on written order of the board of waterworks trustees.
B. Orders And Warrants:
1. Record: Keep a record of all orders or warrants paid by him, received in payment of any funds due to the city or that may be presented for payment, stating the number and amount of the same, to whom payable, on what fund drawn, when presented and shall return all such orders paid to the city clerk to be cancelled.
2. Presentation And Payment: The city treasurer shall:
a. Pay money from the city treasury only upon orders drawn upon him by, and signed by the city clerk, and countersigned by the mayor, and attested by the seal of the city, and all orders so drawn and paid shall be vouchers for his disbursement.
b. If, on presentation for payment of any order or warrant drawn pursuant to subsection B2a of this section, there is no money in the treasury belonging to the fund out of which said order or warrant is made payable, the city treasurer shall endorse the unpaid warrant or order as follows: "Presented and not paid for want of funds", and thereafter such warrants shall bear interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum, except warrants issued by a resolution of the city council or contract with the city in which it is provided that the warrants or order shall not bear interest; the city treasurer shall, if required, endorse on such order or warrant the date of presentation, and keep a record of them.
c. Pay warrants not honored pursuant to subsection B2b of this section, in the order of their presentation, from the particular fund upon which they are drawn, and when there is an accumulation in the treasury of the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) in any fund, the city treasurer shall call in warrants to the amount of such fund for payment in the order of their presentation, or make such call at any time that the city council may direct. The city treasurer shall give notice of the number of the warrants which will be paid by posting a written notice thereof in the mayor's office and in the city treasurer's office, and by publishing notice of such call in one daily or weekly newspaper, which notices shall state that at the expiration of ten (10) days from the date of posting the notice, interest on the warrants named therein shall cease.
C. Additional Duties: The city treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be required by the laws of the state, or as may be required by this code or other city ordinance. (Rev. Ord. 1207, Comp. 1941, p. T-9; amd. 2001 Code)
There is hereby created within the city, and as a part of the municipal governmental structure of said city, the office of finance director. The finance director shall be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the city council. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the removal of and the termination of the appointment of said officer for cause as provided by law. (Ord. 2703, 11-4-1974)
A. Qualifications: Any person so appointed as finance director under the provisions of this article, shall have a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the general laws and administrative policies governing municipal financial practices and procedures, principles and practices of accounting and budgeting in government, and be able to prepare informative financial reports, and to perform fiscal planning and other budgetary matters so as to advise the mayor, city council and department heads on fiscal and budgetary policy.
B. Bond: Within ten (10) days from the date of his appointment, the finance director shall qualify as provided by law and file a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for the faithful performance of his duties with sureties to be approved by the city council. (Ord. 2703, 11-4-1974)