General Provisions
51.01 Board to regulate system
51.02 Water Superintendent
51.03 Abridgement or modification of rules
Service; Usage Requirements; Connections
51.15 Connections; permit required
51.16 Use of town water
51.17 Tampering with or obstructing lines
51.18 Private water supply
51.19 Work performed on system; contractors
51.20 Application for service
51.21 Responsibility and liability
51.22 Extensions to mains and services
51.23 Installation, inspection and the like; access to premises
51.24 Change of occupancy
51.25 Overhead water tank
Rates; Billing Procedures
51.35 Rates generally
51.36 Meter reading, billing and collecting
51.37 Suspension of service
51.38 Complaints; adjustments
51.99 Penalty
Sewers, see Ch. 52
Volunteer Fire Department; Related Regulations, see Ch. 34