(A)   Meters will be read between the fifteenth and twenty-fifth of each month, and bills, including water, will be rendered on the first of each month thereafter, but the town reserves the right to vary the dates or length of period covered.
   (B)   Bills for water will be figured in accordance with the town's published rate schedule then in effect and will be based on the amount consumed for the period covered by the meter reading.
   (C)   Charge for service for water commences when the meter is hooked up.
   (D)   Readings from different meters will not be combined for billing, irrespective of the fact that the meters may be for the same or different premises, or for the same or different consumers, or for the same or different services.
   (E)   Bills are due for water when rendered and become delinquent ten days thereafter and if not paid by the twentieth of the month, service may be discontinued by the town and upon payment of any delinquent bill, an additional cut on charge as set out in the fee schedule.
   (F)   Failure to receive bills or notices shall not prevent the bills from becoming delinquent or relieve the consumer from payment.
(Prior Code, § 5-1017)  (Ord. passed 3-9-1972)
Statutory reference:
   Authority to fix and enforce water rates, see G.S. § 160A-314